Safe Haven

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The moment Sunggyu opened their classroom door to return from lunch, he was hoping that Woohyun wasn't there. Luckily, he wasn't. He didn't bother looking for him, as he went immediately to his seat and quietly sat down, as if everything around him never existed. For now, I don't exist. So, everyone, please, stay away. But Sunggyu could feel his bad luck crawling today, for unexpectedly, since lunch was not yet 'fully' over, he was suddenly attacked by the shrieks of a choding. Sungyeol...

"Sunggyu-hyung! I saw THAT from our classroom window! YOU DID NOT JUST..." but before the choding could spill out the beans, Sunggyu was able to place his hand on the other's mouth and dragged him outside of the classroom and to somewhere-only-Sunggyu-knows. Sungyeol wasn't fighting, and you could see the scared expression on his face. When Sunggyu found a spot on school grounds where nobody could see them, he let go of the other, and threw a deathly glare at him.

"YAH, LEE SUNGYEOL! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING RUNNING INTO MY CLASSROOM, ATTACKING ME, AND NOW YOU'RE MAKING ACCUSATIONS?!" Sunggyu asked, evident in his voice that he was not happy with what the other did.

"HYUNG! Don't be mad! I just wanted to confirm what I saw! PROMISE! I SAW YOU BEING KISSED BY THE HOTTIE TRANSFEREE... what was his name again... ah! Woohyun!" Sungyeol informed Sunggyu. The older gasped, obviously unable to believe that somebody saw them. My Woohyunie's reputation...!

Sunggyu dropped and knelt at the ground. He buried his face on his hands, and Sungyeol continued. "Even your ex-girlfriend saw it. Hayoung? Yeah, I think she took a picture of it..." Sunggyu didn't know how to respond then. Of all people, why would it be Oh Hayoung?!

Sunggyu didn't know what to do anymore. He felt as if walking through the corridors of their school would bring him total humiliation. He didn't even know if he had a face to show his very limited circle of friends. They'd think that he was flirting with Woohyun, and that he used some sort of spell to mesmerize the other and make Woohyun fall for him. Well, if only they knew who casted the stronger spell...

Dug-dug... dug-dug... dug-dug...

Sunggyu stood up, and spoke, "Sungyeol, do me a favor. Please observe what the others will say, especially Hayoung. I don't know what ruckus she might cause. And the fact that she has a picture of it! I'm doomed..."

"You are indeed..."

Sunggyu turned to the direction of the speaker behind him, and Sungyeol shrieked in fear. Of all people and places, why here, why now?


"Ne, Sunggyu. Are you happy showing off that someone good-looking and hot is under your spell? The boy transferred just a few weeks ago, and here you are, kissing him, seducing him, making him fall for your trap. He's such a poor hottie, falling for someone like you, who only knows how to study and to sing."

"I DID NOT seduce him, IN ANY FORM!" Sunggyu spoke loudly, for which Hayoung heard and laughed in a sarcastic tone. She took out her phone, navigated for a few moments, and, smirking, faced her phone to Sunggyu and Sungyeol, for which darkened the expression of the other two, "Your fate is in my hands, Sunggyu. I can either send this out for everyone to see, or keep it to ourselves. And it's such a nice zoomed-in shot, if you look at it."

Honestly, Sunggyu blushed, and felt flustered seeing himself in a photo on the act of kissing Woohyun. But he was sure that they didn't kiss. Or maybe they did...?

"I'll be asking a few things from you, Sunggyu. You better follow my instructions, because if you don't..." Hayoung smiled mockingly, "this photo goes into the school paper. Think of what will happen when the whole school finds out how much of a flirt the top 1 student is."

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