First Date

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And, yes, after (almost) a week, I'm back! Though this won't be much of a nice update (and is more of a fillerish one lol), I'm really sorry in advance! (T-T)

And, to be honest, I had to do this chapter three times since I forgot Sunggyu was injured. HAHAHAHAHA. Silly me.

Still cooking the next so... Enjoy~!


"We're here," Woohyun informed. Sunggyu felt relaxed as they arrived, for he finally had time to breathe. Their trip to the restaurant had been tough, since the awkwardness didn't leave the two of them. Just because of the kiss and Woohyun's greasiness...

To hate the kiss was contradictory to what Sunggyu felt. In all honesty, he wanted more. He wanted to feel Woohyun's lips on his own, not only on his cheeks. Aish, what are these thoughts...

As Sunggyu got off of the car, he could feel the difficulty of having an injury. Thankfully, he didn't have a hard time maintaining his balance, for he immediately got on his feet and held his crutches carefully. He walked farther away from the car and towards the restaurant. He could feel nothing but excitement, as he was looking forward to this. However, the moment Sunggyu felt the excitement, he also felt surprised as a pair of arms went through his crutches and hugged him from behind. Sunggyu felt the blood rush up to his face, his whole head becoming a tomato. Again.

"Um... Woohyun. I know this is kind of rude, but I am honestly feeling shy right now. I'm sorry."

Sunggyu felt guilty as he felt Woohyun sigh, arms slowly losing grip of his body, careful not to move the crutches supporting the other, maintaining his balance. As Woohyun walked towards the entrance of the restaurant, he saw a look of disappointment on the other's face before he followed towards the entrance.

"Look, I don't mean to hurt you and all, but to be honest I-" Sunggyu was surprised as Woohyun placed a finger on top of his lips, signalling him to stop. That very moment, Sunggyu felt goose bumps down his spine as Woohyun flashed him a smile bright enough to keep him up all night.

"Sunggyu, I understand how awkward you feel, and I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I promise I won't do anything without you knowing." Woohyun removed the finger on Sunggyu's lips, and leaned closer to the other, skin barely touching skin. Sunggyu thought that he was about to be kissed on the cheek, but he felt hot breath on his ear, as the other spoke.

"Can we go inside now?"

Sunggyu felt he was being played off again, as he got mad and shook Woohyun off, the other laughing at him. Because of his anger, he feigned Woohyun off with one hand, forgetting (yes, once again) the crunch on one of his arms, making him lose balance. Sunggyu could already feel the pain of falling. He was preparing himself for the worst, but since Woohyun was in front of him, he was able to catch the falling Sunggyu.

"Babe, be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

And Sunggyu swore that he blushed that should've left his cheeks were there once again, this time, only showing a slight pink. The word babe had triggered something inside of him, something he never felt whenever other people would joke on calling him on other endearments. Sunggyu simply nodded, took the crutch that fell from Woohyun, and led the way towards the entrance of the restaurant.

Woohyun followed at his heel and went beside him. As they entered, they noticed that there were a lot of people inside the restaurant today. Woohyun was already feeling hopeless that they didn't reserve a seat for two, but luckily, in the midst of the sea of people enjoying the evening with their loved ones, they saw a table fit for two. Luckily...

"Sunggyu, there's a table there. But, it's at the far end..."

Sunggyu felt burdened by these words that Woohyun muttered, but he chose not to talk about it. Instead, he nodded and walked towards the table that Woohyun pointed. Woohyun followed, feeling the silence Sunggyu was giving him. He was guessing that the other was still mad at him for giving him more awkward space.

When Sunggyu arrived on their chosen table, Woohyun immediately went behind Sunggyu and pulled the chair for him. The other sat in silence, slowly and carefully. Woohyun pushed the chair slowly when he saw that Sunggyu had eased himself on his seat, putting aside his crutches. He went to the other side of the table and sat himself down. At that moment, the waiter approached them and smiled at Sunggyu as he spoke in a sweet tone, "May I take your order, sir?"

Woohyun felt irritated at the tone the waiter spoke, as well as the way he was looking at Sunggyu. He's mine, not yours. Woohyun coughed intentionally before speaking.

"Me and my boyfriend would like to have the chef's menu." Woohyun smiled sarcastically as he looked at the waiter, who at that time looked disappointed. Sunggyu just blushed at the other side of the table, smiling as he thought to himself of how protective Woohyun was. Woohyun...

"Sunggyu," Woohyun called, for which broke the other's trance. "Are you okay? I know you're feeling nervous and shy, and I'm really sorry for causing that to happen."

"No, Woohyun. It's not really your fault. It's my fault as well for not realizing that we're... you know."

"Yeah. And I'm really proud to hear the words coming from your mouth. The confirmation."

"Of what?" Sunggyu asked, giving a confused look.

"That you're mine."

Dug dug... dug dug... dug dug...

Sunggyu could felt the blood rising up his head once again. It was a relief that the food arrived, so that they could finally eat together. They ate in peace and talked all throughout. And Sunggyu admitted that it was his longest and happiest dinner ever. With my loved one...


On the way home, Sunggyu fell asleep on Woohyun's car. He wanted to look at Sunggyu for long, but he wanted to make sure that the other arrived home safely. He drove carefully, making sure the other does not wake up. He looked at Sunggyu from time to time, but kept his mind on the road. Don't want anything to happen to my baby...

When Woohyun arrived in front of Sunggyu's house, he wanted to wake the other up, but didn't really want to disturb his sleep. He smiled as he looked at the other. You're just too adorable, Sunggyu. He leaned in to kiss the other on his forehead, but was startled and retreated as Sunggyu grunted in his sleep, muttering a few words that surprised Woohyun.

"I like you too, Woohyun. I like you so much."

Woohyun smiled, as he leaned close to Woohyun and whispered in his ear, though he was sure that Sunggyu wouldn't hear this. He wanted to tell this to the other, but never had the courage to do so.

"I like you too, Sunggyu. I love you, to be honest."

After he spoke, he leaned in and gave the other a kiss on the forehead.

I love you, Sunggyu.

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