A Secret

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So yeah, I know I shocked everyone with the sudden surfacing of Myungsoo, but yeah, to let you guys know, Myungsoo wasn't initially the person behind Sunggyu's online chatmate. So my apologies for those who expected. :( But still, thanks for reading and staying with me.

P.S. For all Myungsoo stans there, please don't hate me for this part. I'm sorry in advance.



The moment he heard the bell ring, Woohyun was desperate of finishing the seatwork given for Maths. He saw Sunggyu finish earlier than him, which was a surprise since the other was absent for a long time, and here he was, still struggling in one item that he initially judged as an 'easy' problem.

"Mr. Nam, time's up. Please submit your paper," their Math teacher called out.

"I'm almost done, sir! Please wait for a while," Woohyun spoke, not looking at his teacher as he was focused on the solution. True enough, after a few moments, Woohyun finished solving the problem and submitted his paper. The teacher glanced at the paper while Woohyun was arranging his belongings from the desk and placing them in his bag. He was about to stand up when his teacher called his attention that he forgot to write his name. Woohyun groaned, his thoughts on a Sunggyu that was waiting for him. He took the paper, scribbled his name on top and handed it over to his teacher. He stood up and faced the back of the classroom, only to find Sunggyu's seat vacant.

Where is he?

Woohyun went to Sunggyu's seat and looked closer to see if there was a note that the other left for him, but to his dismay, there was none. Sunggyu left already, and he didn't even tell me where he was going. Woohyun took out his iPhone and sent a message to the other.

To: My Gyu <3

Where are you? I'm still inside the classroom. Just let me know where you are, and I'll carry you home.

Woohyun waited for around five minutes before he made a move and went out of the classroom. He was able to find Sungyeol in the corridor, the other gave him a frown. Regardless, he walked to the other and asked him even though he wasn't physically close to him yet.

"Have you seen Sunggyu?"

Sungyeol gave him an even sterner look. If looks could kill, Woohyun may be dead right now.

"You're the boyfriend, why are you asking me?" Sungyeol responded sarcastically.

"Ya, Lee Sungyeol! I was asking you nicely-"

"And I permitted you nicely to date him. If anything happens to him, you're dead." Sungyeol spoke, his tone serious. This was the first time Woohyun saw the other like that, and he was sure as scared to further ask. He just nodded and informed the other that he will go around and look for him. Sungyeol nodded, as the other ran towards the hallway.

Sunggyu, where are you?


"So, did you miss me, my dear Gyu?" Myungsoo asked as he held Sunggyu's hand in his, feeling the coldness of the other's hand. He held it firmly so as to give warmth, since he didn't want the other to feel cold in his presence. His looks were enough to send shivers down his spine.

Myungsoo had been Sunggyu's schoolmate since their first year in high school. He wasn't a studious person, but the moment he saw Sunggyu during their first year, he already wanted to know more about him. He wanted to be close to the other, but he didn't know how to. He was too shy, and was afraid of rejection. Yes, Myungsoo had the looks everyone dreamt of, but he was just afraid of approaching the other. Hence, he wanted to be close to the other in his way – academics. Myungsoo studied hard and proved himself to be one of the best, immediately rising from the ranks. He was able to end last year in fifth place.

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