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And I'm back after just being quiet for only a few days lol. Feeling retarded af HAHAHAHAHAHA. And this is something to keep you guys sweet, as (I think) I will be gone for a while. But I think it's just gonna be for 1 week. :3

For the meantime, enjoy this chapter. :D Please leave your comments and, most importantly, thank you for reading! <3

P.S. I was planning to post this by 11:59 PM, but I figured my internet may be lost, so I'm posting it in advance lol.

Enjoyyy~~ :3


'"Finally! I can now go out!" Sunggyu spoke, as he went out of home, crutches on both of his arms. He looked around, taking in as much sunlight as he could get. He stretched his hands in opposite directions, as he thought to himself.

This is the life.

However, Sunggyu forgot that he actually has crutches, for which he heard them fall. Sunggyu swore he was about to have another trip to the hospital, as he closed his eyes and braced himself for the pain. However, contrary to his prediction, he didn't feel pain. He didn't even hear any sound. He felt arms slide through his underarms, apparently catching him a few moments before he makes contact with the ground.

"Felt too excited to go out, eh?"

Sunggyu blushed, the moment he recognized the voice. He could feel the other's gaze at him, chuckling as he was holding him.

"Not funny for someone who hasn't been outside for one and a half month," Sunggyu said, as he pouted, to which Woohyun found adorable. He chuckled once more, before he threw Sunggyu a smile, to which caused him to turn into a tomato, which didn't slip away from Woohyun's eyes.

"Oh, my Gyuuu~ you're blushing. Stop that, you're making me fall for you more. Let's just go to school before we are marked as late."

And, in that moment, Sunggyu was able to confirm within himself.

I'm falling for this man.


"Sunggyu, please let me know once your done with this quiz, so that you can take the last one," the teacher spoke. It was already past 5:00 PM and he was still in school, finishing all of the activities that he missed. My promise. Woohyun. My date...

As much as Sunggyu would love to deny, and as much as he couldn't believe, Woohyun said 'Yes'. Sunggyu honestly felt shy the moment he heard Woohyun's sweet 'yes', and he asked the other to repeat it several times, making sure that he didn't mishear anything.

But I feel nervous at the same time.

Sunggyu's mind was actually filled with a lot of questions. Did Woohyun like me? I like him more than being a friend, but does he actually feel the same way? Why would Woohyun say yes? And, as Sunggyu would also hate to admit, nothing was on his head except Woohyun.


"Hey, Sunggyu? Are you okay?" his teacher asked, to which surprised Sunggyu and knocked him out of his trance. He looked at his teacher, and smiled. "Yes, ma'am. I'm still fine."

"You know, Sunggyu, if you can't handle the stress anymore, just let me know, and I'll allow you to go home and take the other output tomorrow. I understand that you just got back from the hospital, and I can't put too much pressure and stress on you. Just let me know if you want to rest," is teacher informed, a smile on her face. An idea came to Sunggyu's mind, upon hearing this. He really wanted to go home now, he was already late for his date. Part of him wanted to finish the quiz there and then, but his totality spoke for the opposite.

It was then that Sunggyu has decided.

"Okay, ma'am. I'll just take the quiz tomorrow. I can endure the stress, but if you think I need to rest, then it would be better that I take your advice, Miss. I believe I can produce a better output if I have enough rest."

Sunggyu waited for a confirmation. Even though he knew that his teacher suggested such, she may mean the other way around. Sunggyu knew the possibility and implication of him speaking such, but he wanted to risk. He wanted to go and see Woohyun. Badly...

"Then, you can go ahead and take a break. I understand you're stressed, and you deserve a break. You can go home now." His teacher informed, for which Sunggyu successfully smiled. He felt nervous, and at the same time, excited. Above all, he was asking himself one more question.

Is this date really coming true?


< Now Playing – Darling by Girl's Day >

< A/N: Listen to the song as well while reading further, I swear, it's cheesy :"> >

They say couples these days kiss before dating

But I'm naive and shy when it comes to people

"Are you ready?" Woohyun asked, as Sunggyu was descending the stairs. He was taking time to descend, as he was still adjusting to the use of crutches. Woohyun found it cute that the other was trying so hard, excitement very evident in his face. When Sunggyu was able to descend the stairs, he looked at Woohyun, eyes sparkling as he mouthed 'Yes'. The next thing was unexpected, as Woohyun leaned closer, until Sunggyu felt a peck on his cheek.

A peck. On his cheek.

Sunggyu instantly turned into a tomato, to which Woohyun found adorable.

I'm trapped in myself, making true love seem fake

I fell in love with you though I can't express it

"W-what was that for?" Sunggyu asked, to which the other chuckled in response. Woohyun smiled and put his thumb on Woohyun's lips, as he sang to the song which entered his head first.

"They say couples these days kiss before dating~" Woohyun sang as a tease, causing Sunggyu to turn one shade redder.

"B-but we're not yet even a couple! We're just-" Woohyun put his thumb again on Sunggyu's lips before he spoke.

"Well, we're about to be~"

You flew on top of my heart like a butterfly

You shoot love at me like a bee

I've fallen into a sweet temptation

As they went outside, Sunggyu was now being assisted by Woohyun. However, something seemed to bother Sunggyu, as he wanted to confirm. He wanted answers. He wanted to make sure he wasn't risking anything. He wanted to know the truth.

The truth...

"Hey, Woohyun." Sunggyu called. The other looked, eyes showing a glint of innocence.

"Is this a friendly date?"

Call me your darling darling, melt me

Sugar pop, my lollipop, I will shout out

Woohyun chuckled. "Do you think I look at you as just a friend?"

Call you my darling darling, you're sweet

Oh make it hot, only you

Only you, only you, my only you

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