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"Because I'm perfect for you." Woohyun spoke.

In all honesty, Sunggyu couldn't believe that Woohyun was the one in front of him. Hugging him. His head against the other's toned chest. Can we stay like this until it's time to go home? Sunggyu didn't want to leave the others' arms. He felt safe in Woohyun's arms. He felt happy. He felt at peace.

"Sunggyu-sshi... do you like me?" Woohyun asked out of the blue, something which surprises Sunggyu. He honestly didn't know how to respond. Did he like Woohyun? The answer was an obvious 'yes'. But he was still deciding against it. Of course, of all possibilities with Woohyun, liking him would be his least consideration. He still had a title to defend. His pride would, of course, get hurt.

"O-of course not! Why would I like you? I don't even know you that much!" Sunggyu defends, for which causes Woohyun to chuckle.

"Then why aren't you shaking me off while I'm here, hugging you?" Woohyun answers. Sunggyu immediately counterattacks, for which causes the other to stutter all of a sudden.

"In the first place, Nam Woohyun, why did you hug me?"


And for the first time, Sunggyu felt victorious (and disappointed too), for the next moment, Woohyun pulled himself away from Sunggyu, head turned away from the other. Sunggyu could see Woohyun's cheeks turning pinkish, obvious that the other was blushing. Sunggyu smiled, and reached his hand towards Woohyun, but the other simply retracted and pushed Sunggyu's hand away.

Sunggyu spoke and broke the silence between them, "Are you, by any chance, interested in me, Nam Woohyun?", but Sunggyu didn't expect the impulsive, and somewhat, painful response that he got.

"N-no! I'm a man, w-why would I like y-you?" Woohyun remarked, his tone getting louder than usual. Sunggyu got hurt with his reaction. He looked at his watch, saw that it was already time for them to go home. He stood up, avoiding the other, left silently, but before completely going, he remarked a few words to Woohyun.

"Well, I thought you did, because after you hugged me all of a sudden, what would I think of it? A joke? I know my orientation, Woohyun, and it's not something to be toyed with. So, if you're just making me fall for nothing, then please do leave me alone."

And Sunggyu walked away.

That night, Sunggyu couldn't sleep. Despite the fact that he was unable to sleep well last night, he couldn't get himself from removing Woohyun from his head. Of course, he did the right thing to voice out his feelings, but he was wondered how the other was feeling. Did he feel hurt? Did he feel happy? Did he feel achieved? Did he feel victorious? Sunggyu was angered at the thought of the last question. He didn't even know what Woohyun's purpose would be as to why he was doing these things to him. Was he interested? Did he just want to make fun of me? Did he want to be number one? And it finally hit Sunggyu.

He's an ace student. He wants to be number one.

Sunggyu sat up from his bed. The more reason I won't be able to sleep. He needed to study. He had the urge to study. He needed to defend his title. He needed to be number one. I can't lose now...

Going away from his bed, Sunggyu immediately took out his things and began going through them. From the History of South Korea during the Military Rule of Park Chung-hee to the Mathematics of Partial Differentiation, Sunggyu went over the said topics non-stop. He glanced at his wall clock so as to see the time. It was only 2:04 AM. Sunggyu continued reading one of his book reviews for English, but a few moments later, he could feel his eyes closing. No, I must not sleep yet. Sunggyu attempted to fight the drowsiness in his eyes, but after a few moments, he just couldn't resist the urge. He felt his eyelids drop, and the next moment, he felt his eyes close.

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