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"Hello, Sunggyu. How have you been? I missed you."

Those words that came out of Woohyun's mouth had been unbelievable. Sunggyu thought that he had become crazy, seeing probably another person to be Woohyun. He closed his eyes and wiped them. He opened his eyes, but he still saw Woohyun in front of him. You should be gone, right?

Sunggyu bowed in front of the person he bumped into, still hallucinating that it was Woohyun in front of him. I'm getting crazy, that's not him, Sunggyu thought. "I'm sorry for bumping into you, mister. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it, I was looking somewhere else and-"

Sunggyu felt himself being straightened up, after which the person in front of him closed the distance between them, hugging him. Sunggyu then felt the other levelling his head to meet his. He looked the other closely in the eye, and after a few seconds, he felt tears forming in his eyes.

It was really Woohyun...

As if reading the other's thoughts, Woohyun spoke.

"Yes, it's really me Sunggyu. And yes, I missed you so much."

After Woohyun spoke, he closed the distance between their faces, enclosing the other in a soft, passionate kiss. Sunggyu closed his eyes as he felt tears falling down his eyes, running down his cheeks.

I missed you too, Woohyun. I missed you so much...


"So, let me ask you again. How have you been?"

Sunggyu didn't know how to begin, Woohyun sitting in front of him. They were sitting at his favourite café, for which he usually sat down to study. However, their purpose for today was not to study, but rather, to talk about what has happened to them individually, what has happened before, and what will be of them.

What will be of us?

"Umm... I've been fine. How about you? How have you been?"

Woohyun held the cup of coffee with both of his hands, feeling its warmth. He lifted his mug and placed it near his mouth, feeling the heat of the coffee radiate towards his own skin. He smelled the coffee as he closed his eyes, before taking a sip.

"I've been better. Life has been nice for me, especially in the States. What are you up to right now?"

Sunggyu felt his body tense, hearing Woohyun's state. He was confused as to what he really felt. He was happy that Woohyun had lived better in another country. He also felt sad that Woohyun might not have the same feelings as before. He felt scared as well, that Woohyun might have come back to take his toll on him.

"Well... I've been busy studying."

Woohyun laughed at Sunggyu's response. The other felt nervous. He wasn't sure as to whether he would be happy that he responded such, or that he would fear that his worst nightmare would actually be true, that Woohyun came back only to seek revenge on him. Sunggyu felt his heart beat faster than it normally would, similar to the times when they first met.

Dug dug... dug dug... dug dug...

The feeling had been nostalgic for Sunggyu. It was a long ago when he felt this same feeling, a feeling for which he would mistake to be a heart attack.

"And nobody ever took your heart nor your attention since then?" Woohyun suddenly asks, getting Sunggyu off guard. He had expected that Woohyun would ask this, but not as sudden as this. His heart continued to beat faster than it would.

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