Caught? Part 2

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I'm back~! :3 And yeah, there are a few things that I'd love to tell everyone as I proceed with this fic. :3

First, I'd like to apologize to everyone for turning this story into somewhat an angsty feel. I had to do so, since it was originally a part of the story's plot (plus Myungsoo's gonna play a very important role, soon. :D)

Second, I'd like to thank everyone for the wave of comments and subscribers that I had for the past days. I'm not really able to respond to everyone, since I was honestly overwhelmed by the increase, so I wrote my response as a whole here in the Author's Note, for everyone to see as well.

And third, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Really, thank you for everyone's continual support in this fic. You're the reason behind my happiness in writing. :D

So, sit back, read, and enjoy~! :D

P.S. Thanking @yeonghowonie and @NardaWhitestone for their unending support and motivation, in times I suddenly feel my complex. :D


In all of their weekend affairs, since the day that he was confined in the hospital up to last weekend, Woohyun was never late. He always wanted to make sure that Sunggyu didn't have to wait. After all, he loved the other so much that he didn't want him to wait any longer. His love has arrived...

This time was different. For the record, Woohyun woke up late because he overslept thinking about Sunggyu, as usual. He knew it was very much a stupid idea to think of, but he just couldn't help it. He liked the boy so much that he even in his sleep, Sunggyu is the only person in his thoughts.

He has to be protected...

Woohyun was panting when he reached Sunggyu's front door. He decided to rest for a while before knocking on the door. Breathe.

"Sunggyu! Are you there?"

Woohyun called out, waiting for a response from the other. There was no response, only utter silence. Sunggyu's mom actually gave Woohyun a spare key of their home, since she knew that the other can be trusted, as shown by his deep love for Sunggyu. However, Woohyun knew better to respect the other's privacy, especially when he knew Sunggyu was home.

Woohyun took out his phone and began texting the other, informing him that he was already at the front door. In his normal state, Woohyun was impatient. He couldn't wait for something for so long, especially if the other was not worth waiting for. But since it was Sunggyu that they were talking about, Woohyun made an exception. After all, it's the love of my life that I'm waiting for...

However, a few moments have passed, but still, he didn't get a response from Sunggyu. The door hadn't even opened, and there wasn't any budging inside. Woohyun was getting impatient, but he knew he had to wait. What's taking so long? Woohyun thought. He was already deciding whether he had to use the spare key to open the door, when Sunggyu called out.

"Babe! I'm sorry I'm taking so long. Wait for a while, let me just arrange a few things."

Woohyun felt relieved, sighing. He knew his patience was worth it, since he hadn't barged in and just waited for Sunggyu to arrive at the door. However, what surprised him was that when the door opened, what awaited him was a sweating Sunggyu. A sweating Sunggyu.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for too long, babe. Come in." Sunggyu said, allowing the other to walk in the house. Woohyun walked in, still focused on Sunggyu. Damn, he looks hot. Woohyun admitted to himself that he would've lunged into Sunggyu and kissed him passionately if he had lost self-control. However, he thought that it was too early to do so.

What are you thinking, Woohyun?

Sunggyu gestured the other to go up and wait for him in his room, for which Woohyun followed. He wasn't thinking twice on what to do, as he was still distracted with the way Sunggyu was sweating. It isn't even hot today.


"Is it safe to leave now?" Myungsoo asked, feeling uncomfortable as he lay under the sofa. Apparently, that was the only space for which Myungsoo could fit unnoticed, and he was successful enough to hide. As soon as he heard Woohyun close the door to Sunggyu's room, he crawled his way from under the sofa and stood up, removing the dust from his shirt. He faced Sunggyu and looked at the other in the eye, for which Sunggyu twitched and broke off from the other's stare.


Sunggyu felt tense. There he was, about to make out with Myungsoo, and Woohyun suddenly knocks at the door, knocking him back to his senses as well. He thought about what relationship he had with Myungsoo, and what relationship he had with Woohyun. He felt guilty, but hadn't realized what he has done. His heart wanted to forget Myungsoo, but his mind wouldn't let him. Guilt...

"But we hadn't even had fun yet." Myungsoo spoke, disappointment evident in his tone. He hadn't succeeded yet. I haven't kissed him yet. "And besides, why should I leave? You're mine."

You're mine...

Those words were enough to send shivers down Sunggyu's spine. Myungsoo was wrong. I wasn't his. Sunggyu stood there, tears starting to form in his eyes. A part of him wanted to already make Myungsoo leave and get out of his sight. A part of him also wanted to keep Myungsoo there and show Woohyun that there was someone else more special for him.

But that was wrong...

Myungsoo walked closer to him, eyes still focused on Sunggyu. As he walked closer, he could full Sunggyu getting more tensed, tears starting to fall from his eyes. Myungsoo smirked at the sight, but was disappointed when a sound broke the silence between the two of them.

"Don't you dare take any step closer, Myungsoo."

Sunggyu, on the other hand, froze. He could feel that he was done for. He could feel that nothing good would await them from the sight that he and Myungsoo had put. He could feel that he was about to hear harsh words from the other. He could already feel that their relationship was over, as Woohyun stood from the top of the stairs, glaring at Myungsoo.

"And who are you to tell me to stop?" Myungsoo spoke, irritation evident in his tone. Woohyun did not respond. Instead, he walked down the stairs, each step making an echo in Sunggyu's ear. Sunggyu saw that Woohyun was approaching him. I'm doomed. Sunggyu was already thinking of all the negative things that the other could have done to him, but he was rather surprised with Woohyun's actions.

"I'm his boyfriend, Myungsoo. And I'm here to save my one and only love."

As those words echoed in Sunggyu's head, he felt Woohyun's arms wrapping around him, pulling him closer and hugging him. He couldn't describe how he felt. He couldn't even think of any word to mutter nor say. Instead, Sunggyu cried as he leaned his head on top of Woohyun's shoulders, crying as he did so. Myungsoo glared at the sight and spoke,

"Okay, you win, Nam Woohyun. But this isn't the end. I always claim what's mine."

At those words, Myungsoo walked his way to the door and left, closing it with a bang. Woohyun sighed, Sunggyu still leaning on his shoulder, sobbing. He removed one of his hands from the other's back and patted his head, whispering to the other words of encouragement.

"It's okay, babe. He's gone. You can stop crying now..."

However, instead of stopping, Sunggyu cried harder, feeling unworthy of the other's love. I don't deserve to feel this. Why are you doing this? These were the thoughts on Sunggyu's head. As if reading his mind, Woohyun hushed the other and whispered to Sunggyu, his voice sending warmth towards his cold, cruel heart.

"Because, I love you so much."

Sunggyu couldn't remember when he stopped crying, however, he remembered well that he cried himself to sleep, head still leaning on Woohyun's shoulder, his body under protection in Woohyun's embrace.

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