Like a Cat

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"I'll talk to you later, Dongwoo. I just got a visitor..." Sunggyu spoke on his iPhone before turning his full attention to the person in front of him.

"Hello, Sunggyu? How are you?" Woohyun spoke, the moment Sunggyu tapped on his iPhone to end the call. Sunggyu did his best not to flinch, nor to get intimidated by the fact that Woohyun was in front of him. His unconfirmed first love...

"I'm... doing fine." Sunggyu speaks, the nervousness obvious in the words that came out of his mouth. Sunggyu regains himself, and spoke once more, "How did you know where I live?"

Woohyun smiled, "I guess I followed you here one time?"

Sunggyu snorted. "Stalker."

"Am not," Woohyun smirked

"Is that all that you needed to say? If yes, please do go ahead and leave. I need to rest, I'm not really feeling well." Sunggyu was about to close the door, but Woohyun immediately used his hand to block the door, stopping Sunggyu to close the door so as not to hurt Woohyun's hand. That delicate hand...

"I... just wanted to say sorry for being such a jerk..." Woohyun remarked with sincerity. Sunggyu adored how cute Woohyun was right now. He was saying sorry like a kid – looking down, saying those words in a very sincere manner, and he was patting his head while saying so. Sunggyu adored how cute it was.

"Woohyun, please remove your hand." Sunggyu remarked, smiling. Woohyun smiled and looked at him as he did so, but the next thing was something Woohyun did not expect from Sunggyu.

"Apology denied." Sunggyu frowned immediately as he was closing the door. This time, he was successful in closing the door. He turned his back and was about to leave, when he heard Woohyun knock continuously at the door.

"Sunggyu! Please open the door!" Woohyun shouted as he knocked. Sunggyu could hear that Woohyun's knocks were getting weaker and weaker. He decided to go to the door and listen carefully. A few moments later, the knocks had died. He wondered if Woohyun had surrendered and finally left. He opened the door to check, but the moment he did so, he had regret his decision. Woohyun was still standing in front of the door, eyes showing the innocence similar to a newborn pup, but what caught Sunggyu were Woohyun's next words.

"Is that how you treat the person you love?" Woohyun spoke. Sunggyu felt goosebumps go down his spine at Woohyun's words. Did he love Woohyun already? Sure, he was liking the guy, he was admiring how perfect Woohyun was, but the most important question was the one that Sunggyu was yet to answer. I don't know, do I love you?

"W-what are you t-talking a-about?!" Sunggyu remarked out of impulse, his nervousness evident in his voice. Woohyun looked up to him once more, this time, his eyes were flashing seriousness instead of innocence.

Woohyun suddenly lost the seriousness in his eyes. He was already laughing inside, but it was obvious to Sunggyu that he was laughing silently. Sunggyu felt offended at how, as if, he was being treated as a joke. He felt as if he was being considered as a laughingstock, a living joke. Sunggyu could no longer control his anger, and spoke in a very serious tone.

"Nam Woohyun, if you think that I am the biggest laughingstock alive, please leave before I do something unnecessary."

At those words, Woohyun stopped giggling, his giggles being replaced with a mixture of apologetic feelings and that of respect and fear. Sunggyu liked how the way his words could stir a lot of feelings into Woohyun, but he feared it as well, for he was thinking what would happen if he would scare of a cute guy like Woohyun.

Woohyun broke the silence between them. What he spoke was something Sunggyu wasn't really prepared to hear.

"Okay, I won't be barging into your home right away. But, I tell you, I'll walk over to you like a cat, when you're asleep, I will softly hug you. I'll surprise you." Woohyun remarked, smiling as he did so. Sunggyu could feel the shivers down his spine at those words. He was sure those words came from a song, but he couldn't really remember who sang it. He stood there, speechless as Woohyun once again broke the silence.

"I'll be going now, Gyu. See you soon." Woohyun spoke, as he strode off. Sunggyu came back to his senses and immediately, closed the door and walked up towards his room. He could feel his face turning red, obvious of the fact that he was flattered by a few of Woohyun's words. He took his iPhone out and immediately went to the site where he listened to music to cool off his head. He knew that music would be the only thing that could cool him down, so he went to the site and found that the person he always listened to was online. He decided to play one of his songs before starting a chat with that person.

< Now Playing: Close Your Eyes by Woohyun >

You said we'd meet again some day

As you held my hand and whispered

But now I can't do anything for you anymore

Do you know how I'm feeling?

Sunggyu felt his head lighten for a bit. He was very sure this person would be the one to cool his head more, as he did with his songs. Sunggyu couldn't really explain the feeling, but he always felt relaxed every time he listens to this person's songs. Going by the online screen name heartyhyun, he sort of felt that the other was someone who was cute and nice. Nevertheless, he began chatting the other

gyuzizi89: Hello!

The song continued to play, but he didn't get a response.

Where are you and what are you doing?

You haven't forgotten me, have you?

What if the smallest memories disappear from me?

Will this fearful heart reach you?

This street that I used to walk with you

Now I'll get used to it

As if nothing happened to me

heartyhyun: Hi! How are you doing, my favorite listener? :)

Sunggyu smiled at that message. He continued chatting with the other, as the song played.

On the day we meet again

I won't let go of your hands

so we won't grow apart ever again

Stay by my side

gyuzizi89: Doing fine. And you?

heartyhyun: I've been busy the past days, as I'm sure you've noticed. :( Sorry for not really having much time to chat with you lately. I've been catching up with my studies.

gyuzizi89: Really? That's very nice! It's always better that you prioritize your studies. I do the same as well.

heartyhyun: So that seems to explain why you haven't posted a new song lately. Hehehe. I like your voice, by the way.

Sunggyu could feel his face transforming into a tomato once more. He didn't expect to have been praised by this person, whom he was only following and chatting with. He didn't expect that he'd notice the song Sunggyu posted. He felt shy and excited, so much that he didn't know how to respond to this person. The song just played there, and as it did, he closed his eyes, smiled, and soon after, he feel asleep.

When I close my eyes

I see your turned back with tears

I send it off to the wind as my heart aches and my throat dries

as I can only watch you from afar

My heart endlessly grows smaller.

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