Oh, Boy!

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Upon arriving at his home, Woohyun immediately went to the sofa, and lay there. He removed his shirt, showing his well-built figure. No one would bother anyway, he thought. Living alone for a long time, Woohyun has gotten used to the silence covering his home. Until that day...

Woohyun remembers clearly their first encounter. The very first day he arrived at his new school. The principal was having a hard time thinking of how he was going to deal with Woohyun, knowing pretty much well the child's background. As this dilemma continued, he was asked to roam around the school freely, for which he did so. And the first place that he went to was the library, his sanctuary.

Aside from the fact that he could sleep in the library (due to its silence), he treated it as a haven of knowledge. This was where he would spend hours reading a whole variety of books. He couldn't imagine life without libraries. He was thankful that such places existed in the world.

As he roamed around the area, he was also browsing his phone. Apparently, their school OPAC was accessible in mobile phones, for which what he done was browse the variety of books that the library had contained. He saw some titles for which he was looking for since he began reading books in the library, feeling excited as he located the location of the books. As he walked, too focused in his phone, he accidentally bumped into someone on the way, but was half aware that he was falling, for which he immediately controlled his body balance, and preventing a hard enough of a fall. The one he bumped to, on the other hand, fell hard on the floor, the books this person was holding falling onto the floor as well. Without thinking twice, he immediately stands up and reaches out his hand to the other.

"I am truly sorry!" he remarks, "Are you okay?"

Woohyun did not receive a response from this. The other person simply looked at him, for which he seemed to think he was too hurt to respond. However, the other person reached out to his hand and stood up, and Woohyun felt his heart skip a beat, and his face turning a pale pink. So as to avoid the other person noticing, he immediately picked up the books that fell and placed them on the nearest table. By this time, he was able to calm himself down, so he faced the other, and immediately bowed. "Again, I'm indeed sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going and was focused on my phone, which is why I didn't notice that you were unable to see where you were going. I'm sorry!"

When Woohyun thought it was time for him to raise his head, he noticed that the other person just stood there, looking at him his face showing a bit of an obvious red. So as to avoid the awkward atmosphere, Woohyun decided that it was time for him to leave. He walked passed him, with one question in mined as he moved:

Why did my heart skip a beat? Woohyun thought. He still was yet to answer the question. He wasn't sure yet as to whether he liked Sunggyu, but he found him entertaining, in such a way that he somehow removed the loneliness formed from whenever he was alone.

Woohyun stood up and looked at the window of his apartment. The place that he had was provided to him by his grandparents, since his parents have been long since gone. He never heard from them since he was a kid. He asked his grandparents before on what his parents did, but they never answered him straightly – they just said that they work at a company abroad.

Woohyun took out his phone and dialed a number he knew by heart. His best friend's number. After a few rings, the person on the other line picked up.

"Yeoboseyo?" the boy on the other line asked.

"Ya, Key, how are you?" Woohyun asked, chuckling the moment he heard Key's voice.

Key is Woohyun's best friend. Kim Ki Bum. He was his childhood friend which transferred with him as he needed to move from one school to another. However, as they reached High School, transferring almost every year didn't seem to be a good thing when your records are taken into consideration, for which hindered Key from moving with Woohyun. For some reason, Woohyun's grandparents had an obsession with him moving from time to time.

"I'm fine, hyung. How about you? How's school? Do you miss me? I miss you so much~" Key remarked playfully, making Woohyun laugh.

"Of course, I missed you. How can I not? Well, school's fine~ I'm actually enjoying it. And, by the way, I have something to ask you..." Key felt from the other line that this was something serious, as Woohyun suddenly spoke in a serious manner. He coughed, before speaking.

"Alright, hyung. I'm all ears."

"SUNGYUUUUUUU~~~~" Sungyeol screamed the moment he saw Sunggyu entering their classroom. The other smiled, as he went to his seat and put his things down.

"Why weren't you here yesterday? I thought you were sick! I was very worried! I-" but Sungyeol stopped the moment Sunggyu placed a finger on his lips. Sunggyu smiled, as he spoke.

"I woke up late yesterday, for which is why I wasn't able to go to school. You know, my typical study routine." Sungyeol stared in disbelief at what he heard. Sure, Sungyeol knew that Sunggyu studied hard and earned his fame and honors due to his hard work, but on the course of their friendship, never has Sunggyu woken up late because of studying hard. He knew something was wrong, but he chose not to ask.

At that time, Sunggyu fell silent as he saw the person coming inside their classroom. Woohyun.

"Good Morning, Sunggyu~" Woohyun greeted in a playful manner. Upon hearing those words, Sunggyu felt his cheeks turn more and more red. He didn't know how to respond, he was really feeling shy with the incident the other day, plus the fact that most of his classmates were now looking at them. He gulped. He inhaled for a moment, gathered his courage to overcome his anxiety, before he looked up at Woohyun and spoke, smiling.

"Good Morning, Woohyun! How are you?" At those words, Woohyun's smile twitched from his face. He wasn't expecting Sunggyu to react this way, but one thing for sure is that he came prepared. He smiled immediately, careful not to do anything which may cause too much of an issue.

"I'm fine, Sunggyu, thank you for your concern. How about you? Why were you not around yesterday? You made me worried." Woohyun was expecting Sunggyu to react differently to this, but he was surprised that the other did not flinch, nor flutter. He simply smiled at Woohyun, before he spoke. Oh, Boy...

"Well, I missed you too, Woohyun. As your classmate, I thank you for your concern. I'll be seeing you around!' Sunggyu winked as he remarked those words, emphasizing on the word 'classmate'. Woohyun could not believe on how Sunggyu reacted. He couldn't even believe on how Sunggyu was able to change his reflexes in an instant, making him believe that their interaction a few moments ago was just a dream.

However, he was sure of two conclusions: either Sunggyu has really changed or he was prepared for this. And Woohyun was more than determined in finding out which of the two would be the case.

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