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So, yeah, I'm back! Thank you for your support and overwhelming comments with this story. Yeah, I really feel bad about turning Myungsoo into a bad boy here, but please bear with me as I need to do so to make the story more interesting. :)

I'll be off for a while, but it won't be long, don't worry. :D And I'm sorry in advance if this chapter is gonna be fillerish. T_T

Enjoy~~ :3


Time flies by, Sunggyu thought, It has already been a week since the incident with Myungsoo, and he wasn't able to come up with a plausible conclusion yet as to how he'd deal with their relationship. Things have been a landslide ever since Myungsoo's confession, and Sunggyu just couldn't take it all in.

Myungsoo still sent him text messages. Sunggyu was already thinking if his number was public information, since Woohyun was also able to get his number without Sunggyu knowing where the heck he got it. Myungsoo's case was different. He was a stalker, so he'd probably get it anyway, Sunggyu thought.

It was the weekend, and Sunggyu lay on his bed, waiting for Woohyun. He was about to arrive, since it was their weekly agreement to watch a movie at Sunggyu's home. Sunggyu had already prepared the movies that they were to watch on his laptop. His mom went out, buying snacks for the affair that they had. Sunggyu's mom found out that the two of them were dating, and she was actually happy for the two of them. She didn't expect Sunggyu to be dating someone, and she honestly joked that she thought it was Sunggyu and Sungyeol that were dating. Sunggyu apparently hit his mom on the shoulder when she joked such.

"Aish... Where is he?" Sunggyu groaned, feeling so alone. Woohyun still hasn't arrived, and he was unusually late. Sunggyu took out his iPhone again, and began texting the other, asking where he was. The moment he tapped 'Send', he was about to put away his phone when he felt it vibrate. Strange, Woohyun doesn't reply this fast, Sunggyu thought. He held his phone to eye level, and he swore he smiled by impulse at the name that appeared on his lock screen.


Sunggyu felt excited at the message he was about to read. He wasn't able to describe the feeling he had, but he was sure that it was something that was not right. Over the days that he was in contact with Myungsoo, he felt happy, a kind of happiness he felt missing with Woohyun.

In all honesty, Sunggyu didn't feel so wrong about having a relationship with Woohyun while exchanging sweet messages with Myungsoo. He felt that it wasn't wrong that he was saying 'I love you' to Woohyun, then he was saying that he liked Myungsoo. He also thought that it was okay that he was calling Woohyun 'my love', while calling Myungsoo 'baby'. He saw a lot of similarities with his treatment of the two, but he never felt wrong about it.

From: Baby Myungs :)

Where are you? I want to see you. I miss you.

Sunggyu felt his heart skip a beat. He smiled at the three words that ended Myungsoo's text message. He read the message again to be sure that he wasn't hallucinating, but it was true. This was what Myungsoo sent him.

I miss you.

To: Baby Myungs :)

I'm at home. I'm actually waiting for someone, but it seems that he won't be coming. I miss you too.

Sunggyu smiled at his own reply. I miss you too. He actually had to triple-check Myungsoo's message before he tapped on the 'Send' button, to make sure he wasn't dreaming of things. His phone immediately vibrated as a message from Myungsoo appeared on his screen.

From: Baby Myungs :)

If you're waiting for someone, I'm already at the front door.

Sunggyu felt his heart race. I'm waiting for Woohyun, not you. Sunggyu thought. The sight of Myungsoo on the door bothered him, and he was sure he's done for if Woohyun would actually be on the way and find Myungsoo there. Nevertheless, Sunggyu immediately went out of his room and ran his way from the stairs down to the front door, to be greeted by a very handsome Myungsoo in front of the door, smiling at him. Sunggyu's jaw dropped at the way Myungsoo was dressed.

To call it handsome just isn't enough. The way he looked right now is very attractive. His eyes seemed to pierce through a person's identity, as if reading your mind. His dark-colored hair fell through his forehead and almost reached his eyes. His smile has been the only feature disturbing Sunggyu, as this was the first time he saw the other smile. He was too handsome, Sunggyu thought.

"Hello, baby. How are you?" Myungsoo asked, the smile not leaving his face. Sunggyu twitched at the other's voice, but was able to get himself back.

"Please get inside. Now." Sunggyu spoke as he took Myungsoo's wrist and dragged the other inside their house. As soon as Myungsoo got in, Sunggyu closed the door. Myungsoo muffled a laugh, for which Sunggyu was able to see. Confused, he asked the other why he was laughing, for which Myungsoo responded,

"Because I never thought you'd be rough and want something as naughty as–" Sunggyu immediately placed his hand on top of Myungsoo's lips, his face showing a tint of pink. He blushed at what Myungsoo had said, and the thought of what he spoke just made him cringe.

"N-NO! THAT'S N-NOT WHAT I-I M-MEANT!" Sunggyu spoke in a loud tone, not looking at Myungsoo directly. He was feeling shy at the thoughts that he was having. Myungsoo smiled as he held Sunggyu's wrist and removed his hand from his lips. Using his free hand, he held Sunggyu's back and pulled the other closer, their faces just a few inches apart. Sunggyu could feel Myungsoo's hot breath on his lips.

Yes, Myungsoo. Just close the distance...

Sunggyu leaned closer at a very slow pace, closing the gap between their faces. Closer...

"Sunggyu! Are you there?"

Shit. Woohyun was knocking at the door.

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