Another First

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And, yeah, I decided to write everyone a head's up, similar to what I do when I update this in AFF XD

I'm back (unexpectedly lol) for another filler-ish chapter. But it's not actually fillerish, 'cause this chap's gonna be one of those key points that will happen in the future lol.

Please don't kill me in case you guys feel that this is just incomplete lol this has gone through several plot changes, and I really dunno how I would like to proceed with this, but this'll prolly do for now. :3

Thanks for the comments, by the way. It livens me up to believe that you still love me (even though I'm a total idiot in this writing lol).

Enjoy! :3

"Yah, Woohyun. Don't forget that this is all your fault." Sungyeol remarked, as he and Woohyun walked to the hospital. Classes just ended, and Sunggyu would be released from the hospital today. Though the doctor advised that Sunggyu have bed rest for another 2 or 3 weeks before he can go back to school. Add the fact that he had to use crutches.

"What is my fault?" Woohyun asked.

"That Sunggyu is in the hospital."

Woohyun laughed at Sungyeol, before he spoke. "It's already one month after the incident. Get over it!" but Sungyeol only threw killer glares, as they walked.

A month has already passed since the accident happened, and a lot of stuff happened between them in the past month. As it appears, Woohyun became one of Sungyeol's frienemies. It has also come to the fact that the both of them had to go to the hospital together to make sure Sunggyu is okay. Woohyun has also met Sunggyu's mother, and they have grown fond of each other (which Sunggyu doesn't like). Sunggyu has also come to be comfortable around Woohyun. They have conversed normally, and have grown fond of each other. Woohyun has learned that Sunggyu is just shy around him. And in the span of one month, Woohyun has found himself to be truly in love with the other.

...but did he feel the same way?

What if he doesn't like me?

What if he rejects me?

In a month of daily visits, Woohyun has found out almost everything about Sunggyu. He came to know Sunggyu deeper, and understood how he became who he is right now. He found everything about Sunggyu adorable, just as he is. And in that one month, Woohyun was able to confirm what he felt towards the other

I love him.

"Ya, Woohyun!"

The moment Sungyeol called out, Woohyun was about to hit head first against a lamp post, for which he makes a quick stop, just in time. Sungyeol called him again.

"Just what are you doing?" Sungyeol questioned, arms folded in his chest. Woohyun couldn't look Sungyeol directly in the eyes, but he could feel the other's glare towards him.

"Well... I was thinking about stuff."

"And what are you thinking?" Sungyeol questioned further.

"Don't mind it. Let's go ahead. I'm already sure Sunggyu's waiting impatiently." Woohyun remarked, laughing as he pushed Sungyeol to continue walking, leaving Sungyeol in a confused look. However, he had followed the other, making their way towards the hospital.

Knowing Sunggyu, he would already be throwing tantrums right now.


"Hey, Woohyun." Sunggyu calls as he lay on bed. "Could you get me the remote?"

Woohyun did not hesitate. He stood up from where he was seated, and took the remote. As he was approaching Sunggyu's bed, he saw Sunggyu seated on his bed, showing his sweet smile.

Sunggyu. Those eyes...

Woohyun admitted the fact that he found this side of Sunggyu charming. He always adored his eyes, for whenever he smiled, rather than thinking that his eyes were small, he believed instead that it was a symbol that Sunggyu kept his eyes closed because he was happy to have Woohyun by his side.

And I would love to keep that belief true, but...

"Thanks, Woohyun! I'm lucky to have a friend like you."

Yeah, right. A friend.

Woohyun kept the pain within himself upon hearing the word 'friend'. Although he knew that he could have a chance to be with Sunggyu, he never wanted to risk. It was an all-or-nothing chance. Sunggyu wasn't the type of person who could be friends with someone who courted him and got rejected, because he felt guilty of his rejection. In their two weeks of stay in the hospital, this was one of the things that Woohyun found out,

"Woohyun, what are you thinking about?" Sunggyu suddenly asked, making Woohyun realize he was out of his trance. Woohyun was surprised, causing him to answer on impulse.

"Thinking of you."


It dawned on Woohyun that what he said was actually something that could end their relationship right at that moment. As he looked at Sunggyu's face, he saw that he was now looking serious, the smile on his face gone.

"I... ugh... can explain." Woohyun stuttered as he spoke, the tension evident in his voice. Sunggyu just stared at him, keeping his serious expression on. Woohyun prepared himself for the worst, because the look on Sunggyu's face was simply unreadable.

"Don't." Sunggyu spoke. He began cracking a laugh, until he eventually let it all out. Woohyun, clueless of the reason behind Sunggyu's laughter, had a blank expression as he looked at Sunggyu. He waited for Sunggyu to stop laughing before he spoke.

"Why'd you laugh? Is there anything funny?" Woohyun asked, but he wished he never asked, for he blushed at Sunggyu's words.

"You're just too cute, Nam Woohyun."


"What took you so long, anyway?" Sunggyu asked, his tone feeling pissed off, his eyes disappearing, which Woohyun found adorable. They were currently on the elevator, Sunggyu seated on a wheelchair.

"It's because of Woohyun! He talks too much!" Sungyeol spoke, to which Woohyun smirked. Sunggyu laughed at Sungyeol's story. Knowing the fact that Sungyeol was talkative, he knew that it was actually the other way around.

"As if I don't know, Sungyeol." Sunggyu spoke, as he laughed. Sungyeol pouted, but he brushed it off. As the elevator door opened, they saw Sunggyu's mom on the way, waiting for them to alight. They immediately got off, but had no time to waste as Sunggyu's mom gestured them to follow her to the car.

Woohyun helped Sunggyu get on the car, as he descended the wheelchair. Once he was able to get on it, Woohyun opened the door to the other side of the car and get inside. Sungyeol sat in front, leaving only the two of them behind. Somehow, within the span of a month, Sunggyu has been used to Woohyun's presence, after a month of staying in the hospital.

"Hey Woohyun," Sunggyu called, to which the other looked. "Is school super busy right now?"

"Umm... It's a bit, but hey, you know I can make time for you. What's up?"

Those words made Sunggyu blush. It made him feel a little shy, before he proceeded in asking the other. This was his first time to do this, so he didn't know how to ask, but nevertheless, Sunggyu thought that it'd be better if he would ask directly, instead of giving hints.




"So... will you please go out with me once I fully recover?"


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