Good For You

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"Sunggyu." Sungyeol spoke, breaking the silence between them. They were now in an alley between their building and the 9th grade building. This was usually their refuge whenever they felt anxious or worried about something, or even when they felt stupid that someone was stalking them (but actually, none were doing so).

"What?" Sunggyu asked, panting as he was doing so. Apparently, the moment after Sunggyu and Woohyun conversed, Sunggyu went out of the classroom and ran as fast as he could, leaving Sungyeol following him behind his heels. Suddenly, Sunggyu got shocked as Sungyeol closed the distance between the two of them, pinning Sunggyu to the wall. Sunggyu felt Sungyeol's breath as he felt the other leaning closer, closing the distance between them.

"Just. What. Is. Going. On. Between. You. And. Woohyun?"


"Really, now?" Sungyeol asked, his tone getting stiff, one thing Sunggyu didn't want his best friend to be. This would mean another misunderstanding between them.

"Fine, fine. I'll make it clear for you, since your my best friend," Sungyeol smiled at this, lessening the force of his grip on Sunggyu's shoulder. "but, first, please get off me, I'm getting shocked at how you pin me."

Sungyeol laughed as he removed his hand from Sunggyu's shoulder. "So, what's going on between you and him?"

"I sorta... like him. So much..."

At that moment, Sunggyu regretted sharing with Sungyeol his secret, for the next moment, Sungyeol made a loud squeal, loud enough for even the person on the farthest side of the campus to hear. With this, Sunggyu covered Sungyeol's mouth and hushed him, even though he knew for a fact that they had to make a run for it.

"I'll tell you all the details after we go home. We have to run, before someone else notices us hear, thanks to you and your squeal." And at that moment, Sunggyu run, pulling Sungyeol behind him, the other still out of reality after what he had heard from his best friend.

Meanwhile, as they kept on running, a mysterious figure crept out of the corner of the same alley, smiling as he spoke to himself.

"So, you like Woohyun, huh?"


<Now Playing: Eric Nam – Good For You>

You must've had a hard day

It must've felt so long

I'll go pick you up right now

Sunggyu lay in his bed, thinking about how he told Sungyeol his encounters and feelings towards Woohyun. Am I feeling well? Sunggyu thought. He wasn't sure as to how he would describe his thoughts, nor his feelings. He wasn't even sure if he likes the guy, or it's just that he's infatuated. Aish...

Imagining your tired face

Getting caught at the red light

Makes me so impatient

Sunggyu felt his iPhone, vibrating. He quickly picked it up. He smiled as he held it in front of his face, seeing the name of the person sending the notification.

Heartyhyun: Hey :)

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