Only One

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Second to the last. Enjoy! :)


Three years have passed since the incident. Within those three years, a lot of things have happened. Sunggyu had always wished for the best, but Woohyun never came back.

Sunggyu had reported Myungsoo to school, informing them that the other had been harassing him, stalking him, and had raped him. Sunggyu had visited a psychiatrist, for which some signs of mental stress had come out of Sunggyu. He was able to use that as a solid evidence against the other. They won the case, and the settlement that they had agreed upon was that the other had to transfer to another school immediately. Just a week after Woohyun had left, Myungsoo had transferred. He wanted to share his relief with Woohyun.

But he was gone...

It took Sunggyu a lot of asking to know why Woohyun had left. But none of the teachers would tell him the truth, nor of the real story on why. Until it was forgotten that Woohyun had left. Everyone soon forgot Woohyun's existence, who he was, what he did, and how he loved. But not in Sunggyu's memory. He was still vividly there – his kisses, his hugs, his love...

But he was gone...

The pain had been hard for Sunggyu to endure. At first, he really didn't want to let go, but he had no choice but to go ahead and move on with life, accepting that Woohyun had already left. He felt hurt that he didn't have the chance to explain his true feelings, confess his love, and tell Woohyun how much he regret not giving his all to him. But he learned to accept that it was his mistake. In the first place, Woohyun wouldn't have had thoughts of him negatively if he had told him all about Myungsoo. He really wanted to tell him everything right now.

But he was gone...

Three years have passed since the incident. The pain is still fresh in Sunggyu's heart. Even though he had already graduated (and with honors, while you're at it), the feelings he had for Woohyun was still there. Carved in his heart, left there to be remembered. And he didn't want to forget. He really wanted to meet Woohyun right now, to tell him how much he feels, and what he wanted them to be. Though, he no longer has high hopes that when they meet, Woohyun would still be single. Heck, he wasn't even sure if he would still find Woohyun.

But I must not lose hope...

Sunggyu was getting ready for university. He had moved out of his home and live in the capital to pursue higher education. It had pained him that he had to live alone, but he realized that he was doing this for his own good. For his future. For the better.

For Woohyun...

After Woohyun's disappearance, Sunggyu had learned how to live his life according to how Woohyun wanted it to be – systematic. He always wanted the other to be organized, for which he was able to change in a span of a few weeks. He wanted the other to become proud of who he is right now, if they should meet again. Everything for which Sunggyu has been done had been all thanks to Woohyun. And it was all for him.

For Woohyun...

Sunggyu walked out of his apartment and went outside to proceed to university. He was walking when he saw a familiar face for which, he was already used to seeing. He smiled as he saw this person, smiling at him as well. He wanted to be happy with the fact that this person was in plain sight right now, but he knew that he shouldn't be. Sunggyu continued to walk further, and as he did, Woohyun opened his arms wide in front of him. Sunggyu smiled as he continued to walk, approaching the other. And similar to what happened several times before, he passed through the hallucination of Woohyun for which he saw.

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