[m]Wedding pt. 3

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But, I have not failed you yet.... Because here's the final installment in the A Thousand Years Saga. I hope you guys liked it.. And if you want, I could do a future tie in with this if you guys wanted...


I hopped into the limo with Mark diving in right after me. I giggled as he plopped me in his lap. "Everyone probably thinks we are gonna ditch the reception now." Mark said looking over at me. "Wanna do something daring?" I eyed him warily, nodding my head "like what? We better not be running off." He shook his head chuckling devilishly "you'll see baby girl."
"Mark! Oh my god! You. Are. A. Genius. This was the best idea ever!!" I moaned in delight, taking another bite of my Hawaiian pizza. "I knew you like this idea better than sitting in the limo for an hour." I smiled gingerly at him, "Hey Mark--" "do you want to change out of that dress?" Stopping mid sentence, I nodded at him, getting up and goi to the limo. I feel guilt. Guilt for not telling Mark what I need to tell him. I fear that if I tell him though, he'll be mad at me.
"Are you ready?" Mark smiled at me, and I nodded, grinning widely. "Now, I wanna hear a warm welcome to the new Mr. and Mrs. Fischbach." We both awkwardly danced our way into the venue, much to everyone's delight. We sat down at a table in the front, much to my discomfort, and we ate like kings.
Cake cutting. You've seen it in the movies, and how it's the cutest moment in a wedding. Let me tell you now, it's all lies!! It got in my nose, eyes, hair, and even on my dress. It might have also been because I married a giant 5 year old. We walked up to cut the cake, noticing how beautiful it was. I cut two decently sized pieces for myself and Mark, but out of nowhere, I feel something on my face, and Mark is as red as his hair from laughter. I finally realized what had happened, then I smirked, and in retaliation, I jammed my piece in his face, laughing maniacally. I go to grab more when Mark put his hands up in surrender "truce. Truce Cassie!! I think everyone else will want some cake as well baby girl." I put my hand down and nodded in agreement. But in my head, I'm still wondering when and how I should tell him.
"Can our lovely newlywed couple make their way to the center of the dance floor for their first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Markiplier." Matthias chuckled into the mic, vlogging everything. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri started playing, and I guessed now was as good a time as any to tell him, "Cassie." I blushed, knowing he wanted me to look up at him. "Cassie." I knew he was getting suspicious of how I was acting, but I was too busy trying to mentally word what I was gonna tell him. "Cassandra. Baby girl, please look at me." I sheepishly looked up, and he knew I wasn't telling him something. "You're going to tell me what's wrong.... Right after I ask you what I've been trying to ask you all day." He took a deep breath and led me away from everyone and turned to me. "Cassie," he started with a shaky breath, "I know we've been together almost six years now, but it's felt like an eternity with you. And you know I don't mean that in a bad way, but since I'm 27 and you're 25, I was wondering..." He paused with more shaky breathing. "I was wondering, if when we get back from our honeymoon, could we maybe.... could we try for a baby?" He grabbed both of my hands "baby girl?" I couldn't help the tear running down my face, "Cassie, it was just a suggestion. We don't---" I look up at him smiling, "Mark." He looks at me funny "what?" I smile even wider, now knowing how happy he'll be. "Mark. What haven't I hand any of tonight?" He looks at me weirdly "the alcohol, but what does that hav-" a look of recognition crosses his face. "What?? Are you serious??" I nodded, grinning widely at this point "I found out a few days ago. I was worried you weren't going to take the news well." He picked me up, spinning us both "baby girl, I would never be mad with this news. But I'm gonna be a dad!! Wait until I tell Sean and Felix." I start feeling dizzy "Mark. I'm gonna puke if you keep doing this." He laid me down gently saying 'sorry'. "Hey Mark, can we wait to tell everyone though? It's nice that not everyone knows all of our business. I mean, we can tell everyone when we get back at least." "We are gonna have a babyplier Cassie. I'll wait as log as you want." I check my phone to see the time, and I look back at Mark. "Now, our flight leaves in a little over an hour, so let's start saying our goodbyes." We both started making our way around to everyone, but once we hit Matthias and Amanda, we hugged them long. Amanda got by my ear and asked "did you tell him yet?" I nodded, and after releasing the hugs and getting our cameras from them, we went to everyone else.
Because of Mark, we almost didn't make our flight. Mark just had to talk to everyone there. We are really lucky that the flight was delayed, or we would've been sittin in an airport all night. Because there wasn't anybody on the plane, they bumped is up to first class seats, and as soon as we sat down, we pretty much passed out. When we awoke, we saw the nice sandy beaches of Ohahu, Hawaii. The next three weeks were full of fun, sun, and loving each and every moment.... And vlogging four our channels, because we never stop working for our fans.


I really hope you guys are liking these...

And as always, if you liked this story, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE!!

And I'll see you in the next story, bye bye!!

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