[m]Small Bump

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***Hello everybody!! Forewarning, the set above was made by a really cool chick on polyvore.. I'll add her name right {here} when I find it again***

I should be able to upload one more story today, if not by tomorrow morning... I really hope you guys are liking these, since I'm not really getting any feedback from you guys... Here's a new one though. Enjoy!!

>>>play this song while reading this chapter..

**edited by the lovely ICONicKiddo **

I couldn't help or stop the tears streaming down my face. I looked in the rear view mirror to see my mascara spreading down my face, staining my cheeks. Mark and I got back from our honeymoon about a week ago, and I didn't feel all too well, so I booked an appointment with my ob. I had finally hit 12 weeks in my pregnancy, and you could see a tiny bit of a belly on me if you looked close enough. Mark was probably more excited than I am about the baby. But when I went to the doctor, I had an ultrasound, and it showed no heartbeat. I couldn't believe it. My body had rejected the baby. I had a miscarriage. Mark had been so excited. We had finally told all of our friends and fans right after we got back from our honeymoon. Mark had spent hours looking at baby names, designing the baby's room, and he had even started planning a baby shower. I pulled into the driveway and let out one last body wracking sob. I tried to clean the makeup off of my fave, but it was no use. He would know something was wrong as soon as he saw me, but how was I going to tell Mark? I got out of the car after a few minutes, and walked up to our freshly painted baby blue door. I put my key into the lock, taking a deep breath.

"Mark? You here?"

I hear a faint 'ow' and then I hear him yell "I'm in the nursery!!" I go up the stairs and see him hunched over another baby name book and pieces of a gray crib scattered everywhere.

"Hey baby girl!! You'd think these cribs would be a lot easier to put together."

He giggled looking around the floor at the scattered pieces. I couldn't even smile at how happy Mark was.

"Mark," my voice broke, more tears rolling down my face.

He looked up at me, his smile faltering. "What's wrong Cassie?"

I got straight to the point; "Mark..... we don't need the crib anymore. We don't need this stuff. We don't need any of this," I said with tears streaming down my face again.

Mark's head shot up and his eyes filled with hurt. He got up off of the floor slowly as started his way to me. When he got to me, he hugged me closely. I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips, sobbing quietly.

"I'm sorry Mark. I am so sorry. I-It's all my fault, and I-I I'm so so sorry."

He gently rubs my back, "It's okay Cassie. Its not your fault at all. We can try again, it will be okay," Mark said, fighting back tears.

I couldn't help but cry more, "But Mark, I lost the baby. I lost our baby. I ruined this chance for the both of us."

I whined into his chest. Mark pulled away and grabbed my wrists.

"Cassandra, it is not your fault. So please, stop saying that right now. It was our first time, and these things happen all the time. We will try again, I promise," Mark said, kissing my forehead.

I sniffed, wiping away some of my tears, nodding slowly. He picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs and placed me gingerly on the couch. Mark ran to the kitchen and got some snacks, then positioned himself behind me on the couch. Mark turned on my favorite movie, Beauty and the Beast, to try and get my mind off of it.

"It'll all be okay baby girl. I love you."

I looked over at him, "I love you too Mark."

We both snuggled closer and watched the movie in a comfortable silence, knowing that everything would be okay.

GUYS!!! Marks ass glasses are back 😍😂

----------------------------------------------GUYS!!! Marks ass glasses are back 😍😂

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And as per usual, if you like the stories, punch the like button in the face.. And as always, I will see you in the next story. Bye bye!!

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