{M}Officer Fischbach

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Prompt: "You're under arrest for first degree murder."

This is for my new friend DrawingFreakazoid
I was awoken by my door smashing open at 3am. Police officers barge into my apartment and tackle me down to the bed.

"ARE YOU EZRA CARLISLE?" I hear a man yell as my face hits the pillow.

"What did I do?" I plead, noting the uncomfortable position I was put in.

"MA'AM... I'm going to ask again. Are you Ezra Carlisle?"

"Yes!! But what did I do for you guys to break my door down?" I try wiggling around to a more comfortable placing, but to no avail.

"Ma'am. I'd advise you not to run. That'll only make things worse." He said.

"Officer Fischbach, take her so I can check the rest of the apartment and make sure no one else is here." Another officer walks up and places me in a sitting position.

Huh. 'Officer Fischbach' looked really cute, and kind of familiar. I ponder this as he leads me downstairs and to their cruiser.

"You wouldn't happen to be related to Thomas Fischbach would you?" I asked, noting his surprise at my question.

"Why do you ask that?" He asked nervously. I grin, noticing his change in behavior.

"Yeah! You look just like him... I mean minus the long hair. You two could be brothers." He froze at that.

"Shouldn't you be more worried as to why we arrested you?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Um. Actually, yeah. Seriously, why did y'all bust my door down and arrest me at 3 in the damn morning?" I huff as he pushes me down into the cruiser.

"You, Ezra Carlisle, are under arrest for first degree murder." I gape at him.


"Well, if you were sleeping, how did we catch you killing your boss on camera?" He hummed at me, showing me a video on an iPad of someone killing my boss... and that person looked like me.

"Can you tell me where you really were Ms. Carlisle?" I look at him in shock, my mouth uttering the words before I could stop them.
I hope you guys enjoy this!! I've never written a mystery before...

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