[j]Ouch pt. 1

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"All the way. Keep on a dancin. All the way. Keep on flyin. All the way. Keep goin, you go this. All the--FUCK!!" I screamed, dropping the knife I was using.

"Why am I so damn clumsy?" I groan out loud grabbing a cup towel to cover the bleeding wound.

"Cyndal?? What's wrong?" I hear Sean scream from down the hall.

"Um. Fuck. We need to go to the hospital!" I hollered back.

Sean runs down the hall and looks at me holding a towel around my hand "Why do we--OH MY GOD YOURE BLEEDING!!" He runs around the living room, grabbing the keys and looking at me.

"Are you coming? Or do you want to bleed out in the kitchen?" I rolled my eyes at his panicked state.

"I'm not going to fucking bleed out Sean. But I do need to go to the emergency room." I calmly stated, following him out the door.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now