[j]A Drop In the Ocean

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Enjoy the story my pretties!!

It was a very bleak day today. Gray clouds, misty fog, the usual northern New York weather for late autumn. Feeling the wind pick up, I pulled my scarf closer to my face, trying to shield myself from the colder elements. I hurried along to the train station, hoping I could get some coffee before I got on the train.
Choosing a window seat with a table was fairly easy, with the train being almost empty at 8:30am. After setting my camera on the small table, I placed my coffee on the ground. Lugging my backpack onto the table, I accidentally knocked my camera off. I closed my eyes, waiting to hear a crash, but it never came. "Uh I think you dropped this, or at least it fell off the table there." I looked into a pair of piercing blue eyes, "my names Sean. Can I sit here?" I smiled, nodding and taking my camera, "the names Anis Stoverton, and I would love for you to sit down and join me." We both laughed at my terrible introduction. "I really like your laugh Anis." I blushed, looking down at my lap.
It started raining a few minutes after we left the station, soon after I picked up my camera and started taking photos. "So, Anis is a very unique name. But I was curious as to how you got into photography?" I chuckled, pulling the camera away from my face, "well, Anis is a nickname my parents gave me. But my parents are both photographers, with my moms job having us move here a few years ago." He nodded, checking his phone for the thousandth time. I quickly snapped a photo of him, making him giggle. "What was that for?" I glanced up from my screen, "you looked genuinely happy for the first time since you got on the train, so I'm gonna guess it's about a girl." He shook his head, "it's not just about a girl, she's important to me and I haven't seen her in a while. I really miss her." I nod, feeling a little sad from that.
"Sean!! Look at this beach!! I mean look at how stunning everything is here. Can I take a few photos real quick? Pretty please??" I looked over at him with puppy dog eyes, knowing it would get him to say yes. Jack nodded, "Anais, hurry up though. I don't want your mum being any more mad at me than she already is." I nodded sadly, knowing that when I got home, I wouldn't see Sean ever again. I'm 19 years old, and my parents are making me move to New York. I really don't want to leave because I like Sean, and I don't know how to tell him. I grabbed his hand on the way back to my house, "hey Sean... I-I lo-" he stopped me, gently cupping my face in his hands "me too Anais." We leaned in closer, but stopped hearing "Anais, come on!! Our flight leaves in an hour." We hugged awkwardly, and I ran towards my parents, knowing I would never see him again.
I knew this man sitting across from me. I knew it was Sean who grabbed my camera for me. I knew deep down that the guy across from me with the green hair was my Sean McLoughlin. "Hey Sean. The train will be at the station in a few minutes." He started putting his stuff up, pausing to ask "you look really familiar Anis. You look like a girl I knew back from home." I grinned widely, knowing he had caught on. "Wow Sean, it took you a whole hour to recognize your best friend. I know you can do better than that. By the way, nice hair clover boy." He looked at me "Anais Leigh Stoverton. You haven't changed at all, other than having cotton candy hair." I pointed at his hair, "you sir have no room to talk. You dyed your hair green for a charity event." He looked shocked at my statement. "How did you know that? Unless you know of my YouTube channel..." He trailed off. "Been a fan ever since you started your channel.. I've never left you truly Sean. I'm sorry for never trying to contact you though. I'm avoiding my parents, and with you having 11 million followers on YouTube, that wouldn't have been the best idea."  He nodded in understanding, "well Anis, you're going to hang out with me today... Plus two of my friends. And maybe you can take some photos of us?" I nodded eagerly, knowing I could hang out with my best friend again.

 And maybe you can take some photos of us?" I nodded eagerly, knowing I could hang out with my best friend again

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Look at this little duck at ComicCon.. He's just so happy.

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If you like the stories, punch the like button in the face, and as always I'll see you in the next story. Bye bye!!

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