[m] PAX Proposal

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"Hey Mark" another fan came up to the mic just as Mark aka Markiplier aka your boyfriend was currently doing a panel at Pax West which was always fun because you love how his face lights ups hen he meets his fans and how he is so nice them, he really is a sweet and kind human being even behind closed doors he was such a softie.

"Yeah I love her very much and thank you guys for supporting my relationship with my amazing girliplier." I chuckle at the given name.

"In fact, she's right up here in the front row." He gestures to me and I stand up and wave to the crowd.

"Better yet, Come on up here Alyssa and join me." I nod my head and run to the side of the stage, tripping on the stairs going up.

"Hey guys!" I wave again to the crowd and they all scream hello. I smile and look back at Mark.

"You know... You can't be called girliplier anymore." I raised my eyebrow in confusion at his statement.

"What do you mean Mark?" He smiles and gets down on one knee, pulling out a velvet box and opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"Mark" I gasp, tears filling my eyes and I cover my mouth in shock.

"Alyssa you're beautiful, and you're the light of my life, you're everything to me and I don't think I could live without you. You are the kindest and most beautiful person I know and I never thought I deserved your kindness or love, but here you are shining brightly and loving a man like me who sits in front of a computer all day playing games and you still put up with me for being a big baby," I laugh, tears streaming down my face, "so will you Alyssa Thompson do me the honor of becoming my wifeplier?"

I nod my my head frantically "yes, a thousand times yes!!" I smile. He stares between me and the fans in shock and slowly begins to smile a wicked grin and quickly slips on the ring and picks me up, spinning us around and kissing me on the forehead.

"I love you Mrs Fischbach."

"I love you too Mr Fischbach." We shared a quick peck on the lips before continuing the panel.

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