I Think I Love You Too

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Prod POV

The Ride Home Was So Unlit. It was quiet Ray and Roc got left at the hospital So I Guess They Just Gon Walk Home 😂. All Ari Did was Look out the window Crying. So Grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. I hugged her as she cried. Prince had just pulled up to Nick and Ari's Place. Prince and Nick walked in to the Living Room to do whatever they did. I walked Ari upstairs to her room. It must be hard for her. To Lose a Brother is One Thing but As Much as she told me bout Mel, He was like her father. Her father almost died when she was only thirteen. I went back downstairs to get her some 🍕 from last time and went back upstairs. Ari was sitting there looking in the mirror with her eyes all red. I smiled hoping she would to.She giggled a lil bit and turned around with a smile on her face.

Me:That's what I wanted to see. That beautiful smile of yours.

Ariana:*blushes* Thanks For staying up here with me and bringing o food.

Me:Np Baby Girl. Anything to keep that smile there.

She smiled. I walked to the bed Closing the door. I put the pizza on the bed beside me.

Me:Just think of it this way, Mel in a better place than all of us.

Ariana:Your right. Thanks Proddy. *Hugs Me*

Me:Np*hugs back* I love you.

My eyes got big as hell when I said that. It just slipped out my mouth. I mean I do love her. She looked at me and smiled.

Ariana:I Think I Love You Too.

Me:You Think? Whet dat mean?

Ariana:*laughs* You winning I promise you but, Me being the way I'm bought up.. I was always taught to not trust. Plus growing up everyone said would be a crazy girlfriend\wife.

Me:You can always learn to trust me you know.

Ariana:*giggles A Bit* I Know. But It's Gonna Take A While.

Me:I know. Hopefully soon.

I knew she wasn't lying. She is kinda stubborn but independent. I Love it. I know I can Take down the Guard she has..
Me:But We need to talk..
Ariana:Ummm.. Follow me.
She got and opened the doors to her balcony. I thought she just wanted to chill there but she started to climb the roof..
Me: wtf are you doing? Ari?
Ariana:Come on!! I used to do this all the time with August and Chris!
She kept going to she got to the roof. So I started to climb to.. I almost fell but she helped me up.
Me:aren't afraid of heights?
Ariana:A little bit but not really this isn't really that high to me..
Me:We're on top of a 3 story building! This ain't high to you?
Ariana:a little bit. But just sit down but don't look down. Cause if ya do you might fall down
Me:😂😂😂 Okay..
Ariana:So what ya wanna talk about.
Me:This might be weird but just hear me out..
Ariana:Kk. Spill.
Me:*laughs a little* Um okay.. I love you. I loved since the day I first saw you.. Everything about you is... Is beautiful.. I know your trying to hide from me. Ari talk to me. Tell me whats wrong with me or even Roc. Why won't you let your guard to love?
Ariana:*sighs* Prodigy. Nothing is wrong with you. Roc I can't say nothing fa him.
Ariana: And well all my past relationships I was hurt...... Mentally and Physically... I Was Either Abused or Cheated On..... And my doctors say I have something they never seen before.....  When I hear a single and Voices of my old childhood would come into my head... Of My Parents Fighting Over who I Live With.. The Bullies At My Old School... And I Would Just Faint.... And I Guess I Just Overthink To Much... I Got Sent To A Mental Hospital.... They Couldn't Do Anything About And I'm Ain't Mentally Ill So They  Sent Me Back Home.. So They Couldn't Stop It But They Said It Was Stop When I Turned 12 But It Never Did.. it still Happens.. I also Have A Bipolar Disorder... But I Made It This Far And  It Really Doesn't Effect Me Anymore I Keep Going Anyway.. Its Still Happens So Nicki Has Been Like A Caretaker For Me.

Me:*grabs Her Hand* All That... Doesn't Matter To Me.. I Still Love You...
Ariana:*blushes*Thanks for listening Prodigy.....
Me:*smiles* no problem *kisses her*
FUCK SHIT DAMIT CRAIG WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!!! To my surprise she kissed back. YES THANK THE LORD!! I have her on lock down now.. but one question...
Me:*Breaks kiss* uh Ari?
Me:When first learned bout MB.. Who was your favorite?
Ariana:You were....
Ariana: Niggas don't blush
Me:That's whet I was thinking lol..
Judging by the title this finna be lit after all... AWWWWW!!!!!!~Co-Writer Mindless_Naysia Lol Crazy Ass
Lol sorry it took so long!!

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