Starting out

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I'm Lily. Lets start this thing.  

          7'o clock A.M I wake up not knowing what the hell happened last night I check my phone and called my Bae(Best friend) Nikki

Nikki: Hi Bestie what up?

Me:Nun really,did you enter the contest?

Nikki: What contest?      

Me:The Mindless number 1 girl contest! I entered 13 times, How many times did you enter?

Nikki:Millions and Millions of times.


Nikki:Yea! So many times that when I hit the button the 99,999 going for 100,000, they said that there were no more spots for entry!

Me:Do you know what that means Nick?


Me:Nickelodeon it means we won, WE WON THE CONTEST!!!!!!

Nikki:Really? What about the other competitors?

Me:As many times as we touched the button, we won by a long shot! 

Nikki:Well shouldn't we be getting a call? We I already got one from them but Did you?

Me:Yea I got the call

Nikki:Then what are we waiting for shouldn't we be packing our clothes.

Me:Oh yea

I hung up and went to pack my bags and went to go find Nick(Nick is Nikki so she'll be called Nick the rest of the story) I walked passed her not knowing I did but we both walked back and screamed at the top of our lungs and then stopped.

Nikki:Wait isn't there suposed to be a Lemo?

Me:Um Nick it's right behind you.

Nick:Oh I knew that sorta.

I laughed and we walked to the lemo and started to talk mindless. We talked for so long that when we stop we were halfway there! The driver stop and introduced himself. We could see his face because his hat was over his face.

Driver:Well ladies I would love to say that you 2 are the most beautifulest girls I have ever met.

Me:That's not a word but thanks anyway so I have to ask. What is your name?

Driver:Chrisanto August.                       

Me:Oh well hi Roc Royal.........wait what did i just say??       

Nikki:Hi Roc Royal.OMG Roc!!!!!!!?!

Roc:Yes, yes it is me. But gosh I didn't  know you were goina freak out like that.

Nick and I Sreamed at the top of our lungs again. As we calmed down Roc smiled I though damn that boy got a sexy smile.

Me:So what's the hold up Roc?

Roc: Call me Cris, and well we stopped because we are almost there and I thought it would nice if I let you get some rest.

Me:Well thanks Nick are you goina say anything

Roc: Its ok she doesn't have too as long as your talking I can stay here all day.

I blushed so hard that  my face had turned red.Nikki stood there frozen .After that weird moment, we checked into a hotel. It was called Fancy. We went into our room and we stood in amazement. At that moment I understand why it was called fancy. That place was the best!!! Nikki was starting to talk again but not as much as usual. So later Roc I mean Cris went get us some food.

Nick: Can you believe that he drove us all the way here?

Me:I know right and that smile!!omg!!he is fine!!!!

Nick:Do you like him?

Me:well duh. Why?

Nick:Cuz he likes you.

Me:Why do you say that?

Nick:Lil I was frozen not death, I heard and saw everything that happend,he totally likes you.

Me: You think so?

Nikki:Girl I know so.

I knew Nick had to be telling the truth, she has never lied to me. I know that because Me and Nick go way back.I have known her since 4th grade.   

Me:Wow but we just met. How could him like me already?   

Nick:Girl when you entered that contest, all of your info went into the application!!

Me:Ohh yea but I ..........(Roc burst in with food in his arms looking like he burst in at the wrong time which he did)

Roc:Did I interup something?

Me: Uh, no your ok.

Roc and I stared into each other's eyes for about 6 minutes when Nikki snapped in front of face,but Roc keep staring.

Nick: Ok what did you get Cris?


Me:We know that.what food did you get?

Roc:All of your favorites. I think.

Nick:You think.

After wards Three men came in. Nick was confused but I knew what happened.

Me: Prodigy, Princeton, Ray Ray nice of you to drop in.

They seemed surprised because they thought I didnt know but I did.

Prince:How did you know?

Me:Well Prince your Afro gave you away,Prod the way you walk, Ray your hair too.

Nick: So what brings you by?

Prod:we can to check on you guys, but since your ok I guess we can leave. See you in L.A.

Me:ok Bye.

      Prod pov.

Lily is so fine! I wonder if I could get a chance with her? Maybe once I get to know her better but it already feels like I have known her all my life. end of pov

         Roc pov.   

Lily is so much better than what the application said. I think I can snatch her while she still single. Probably when get to know each other a little better. But still she is totally mine. END OF POV.

The boys left and Roc I mean Cris know what no Roc stayed with us and just stared at me and Prod came back in to get his jacket and started to stare at me too. then he stopped and ran out.

Me: Well um anyway lets eat.

Nick: No problem with that. But I must ask you Cris what was with the whole thing with you and Prod staring at Lily.   

Roc: Well it's just that she so.........Lets just say it this way, if your a dude looking for the most beautifulest girl in the world wouldn't you look for a girl like Lily?

Nick: Still not a word but ok i see where you come from. But still the whole staring thing is kinda weird.

Me: Right here!! Anyway thanks. But are we goina eat or just sit here talk about the weird staring thing.

Nick: No problem with that!!

Roc: ok lets eat.

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