Our Beginning

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When we found Prince and Nick they turned around and looked at us like they did something bad.

Me:Nick what did you do? 

Nick:NOTHING!!! Uh nothing just walking with Prince.



Prince: Hey Nick um me and Roc gonna have a little walk around the house ok(winks)


The boys leave

Prince:I gotta tell you something bro. 


Prince:Me and Nick made a plan about  Lily.

Roc:Ok Im guessing im in the middle of it so, what is the plan.

Prince: Well me and Nick are going to get you and Lil together.

Roc: Why?

Prince:Cuz you like her. And she likes you.

Roc: How do you know she likes me?

Prince:Ive seen the way she looks at you. Lil loves you in stalkerish kind of way. Roc you can help her out.

Roc:Help her with what?

Prince: Roc she might be REALLY MEAN but she is also a shy quiet person who needs to be bought into the light. You can show her the brightside.

Roc:How do you know that its me?

Prince: Well your the only boy she seems to talk to. If you can get close to her maybe she will tell ya why she the way she is. And if she does that means you've gotten your self into her heart and maybe instead of begging Nikki to tell us she will tell us herself. Then we can help her. Most people like her often have a bad past. Maybe a bad family, bad friend or a bad boyfriend. Whatever it is we can help her forget about it by showing her a good time.

Roc:Wait how do you know she needs help?

Prince:I know girls! They will either be very insecure about life or be really mean. Can ya guess which one Lil is?????!?!?!?!?

Roc:Why do you keep calling her Lil.

Prince:Thats her nick name.

Roc:Oh ok.

Prince: so are you with us or not?

Roc:im with yall. 

Prince:Good. But here's the thing you cant tell her.


Prince: MUST I EXPLAIN GIRLS TO YA!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!! Girls don't like the feeling that a boy  likes her only to forget about her and to be told that she was just some test subject or bet! Girls like to know that its real, true love and not just some one night stand. Lil needs you. She is the shy girl in the movie and you the big strong guy who wants to show her that the world is more to hiding and studying and all that junk! Lily is the type of girl who has exposed heart!!!! Lily has a big heart and for it to be broken it will ruin her life and all around her lives. Including us.

Roc:Ok I get it I will try best to get thought to her.

Prince: Good.

after the talk Me and Nick were sitting watching T.V. Bored out of our minds, we were watching Disney channel.

Roc: Arent you guys a little to old for that show?

Me: Arent you a little to stupid to talk?

Roc:My point still stands.

Me: So does mine.

Nick:Lol what took you guys so long?

Prince:UH we were just planning the day. Roc will tell you what we're doing today

Roc:uh first we go to the uh Park!! And uh next to ahhhhhh The Mall! And then uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh We will think of somethin on the way.

Me: Uhhhhh OK.

Roc:Uh Lily Can I uh can I talk to ya for a sec?

Me:Sure! Wassup?

Roc:I Know we just meet and all but im just asking if you wanna you know uh Go out with me?

Me:(Screams a little) YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I mean ah Sure yea whatever.

Roc: Lol ok ok we can make it a double date if you want,Prince was going to ask Nick out.


Roc:Really? Well that's perfect.

Me:Yea Nick has been in love with him since we first heard about you guys. We have been mindless since 6th grade.

Roc:And how old are you girls?

Me: 18. Yea we've been mindless for some time now.

Roc:Then lets get Prince and Nick and lets go.

Me:Where are we going?

Roc:idk Prince is supposed to be taking us to some place.

Me:Ok that's creepy but ok.

Roc:Ok then lets go.

We found Prince and Nick hugging in the living room. It was cute until we have to pull Nick off of him. Lol that girls never lets go. Unless she is dating someone then she'll drop em like its hot. Lol im so stupid.

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