And It's Still Fuck Trump

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Idc... Why y'all thinking America ready? Trump gon Fuck Us Over and Then Leave Us to Die.... It's over man........ I hope y'all ready because next year? The first month if you have a family member that was in the Army, They Get Shipped Out.. He controls the Army.... You better love em while you can cuz if they get a phone call, they gotta leave then and there.. they can't pick they job or nothing.. I know this cuz I have a brother in the Army.. It's over man.. hope y'all happy cuz Trump Gon Fuck Us Over..... He went bankruptcy so many times and we think he bout to help us... You know what Just Like Lucas Said In PSA "Fuck trump To Be Real Witch,  Really Hope The Man Get Assassinated" #RealShit #HowIFeel 

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