Chapter 1

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Kazuko walked out of her house, she looked over to the side and spotted the black van that had been following her for a while and she quickly walked into her limo and told the driver to drive to her studio.

Kazuko was an idol, though she was only 15. She had received her record deal when she was fourteen, and it took almost a year until she made it big. Miss Tari was her manager, and she was heading to the studio to tell her what was happening, hoping she would know what to do.

When she arrived at the studio, she stepped out of the limo and looked around, seeing the same black van parked a block away. It had followed the limo to to the studio. She looked away, feeling extremely unnerved. She walked inside the studio, hoping to talk to her manager as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry miss, but you have to have an appointment to see any of the studio managers." The receptionist said.

Kazuko turned around, "I'm sorry, I forgot to make one, but this is urgent." She smiled sweetly, "I hope you'll let me in, Mrs. Stellar."

Mrs. Stellar looked up at the girl, suddenly realizing who she was, "Miss Yuki!" She exclaimed, using Kazuko's stage name. "Of course I'll let you in! So sorry about that!" She pressed the button and unlocked the door right next to her desk, Kazuko opened it and walked through, heading towards the stairs.

Kazuko walked up to the third floor, and entered the room to her manager's office. She knocked on the door, hearing a muffled reply, Kazuko opened the door. "Miss Tari?"

"What is it?" Miss Tari's voice was stern, she could be really nice at times, but if anyone arrives unannounced, she can be really bitter.

"I'm so sorry for not calling ahead. But this is urgent."

"How so?" Miss Tari adjusted her glasses, looking up at Kazuko.

"I've noticed something..."

"And that something is?"

"For the past two weeks, I've been followed by a van." Kazuko looked at Miss Tari, "I don't know what to do. Please, you've got to help me."

Once followed left Kazuko"s mouth, Miss Tari sharply stood up, her chair falling back towards the ground. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" She asked, almost shouting.

"I though it was just a coincidence, but then I realized it was everywhere I was. The store, restaurants, and other places. It's started to really make me panic."

Miss Tari looked at Kazuko, her gaze piercing through her. "You shouldn't of let it go on this long. Excuses or not. You're a 15 year old idol for crying out loud! Thankfully for you, I already have a plan for this type of situation."

"What's the plan?" Kazuko asked.

Miss Tari led her to a couch, "I knew that someone as young as you would be followed, so, I thought about what to do. First, you need to change your appearance." She took out her phone and started to dial up a number. "I'm going to be getting you a hair stylist, I only use this one for situations like this one." She put the phone up to her ear and started to talk, hanging up a while later. "She'll be here in ten minutes."

Kazuko sat on the couch, watching as Miss Tari paced and muttered to herself. Kazuko was used to this, it was normal for Miss Tari to do this when a certain situation stressed her out. Kazuko jumped a bit when there was a knock at the door.

"Oh! There she is!" Miss Tari said, she walked over to the door and opened it, letting in a short blond haired woman, who seemed like she couldn't hurt a fly by the expression on her face.

"Oh Miss Tari! Very nice to see you again!" The woman said, her voice held a strong american accent. She held up a work bag, "where's the customer?"

"Right over here, Mrs. Hunie." She led the woman over towards Kazuko, "Please, transform her."

"After this, she'll be a whole different person!" Mrs. Hunie said.

After a while of cutting, Kazu was handed a mirror, and she looked at her reflection, staring back with an emotionless face.

"I look like a boy." She said.

"Great, you'll be able to stay hidden better!" Miss Tari said, happily. "Now, for your wardrobe!"

After they figured out her wardrobe, Kazu noticed that she was mostly given male clothes. She voiced her concerns to Miss Tari.

"Well, my dear Kazuko, if you think you look like a boy, than you must dress like a boy."


"Well, it will be harder for you to be identified if you look like a boy."

Kazuko thought for a moment, realizing the logic in that. "Fine. I guess I'll go along with it." She knew she didn't have a choice, but it was still better to go along then to resist.

After they were done, Kazu had changed from her white Sun dress to a black hoodie and black jeans. She almost looked like a different person.

"So, how will I leave?" She asked. "If I leave through the front door and enter the limo-"

"I've already thought of that, and I already called your driver. He's coming in his own car, and driving you to your house. But, you'll be leaving through the back door, and, you'll be attending Ouran Academy, school starts in a month, good luck. There will be a house closer to the School, and it's in an apartment complex, so I feel you will be well surrounded and protected by people."

"Got it." Kazuko said.

"Okay. Because from now on, you're Kazu Nikima, first year at Ouran Academy."

I wasn't really satisfied with Host Idol, so I've decided to rewrite it. Here is the first chapter!


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