Chapter 2

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It was the first day of school and Kazu was standing in front of the big golden gates.

Why is it pink? Was the first thought to cross her mind., though her face remained emotionless, her eyes seemed drained of all life. For the past month, she's been getting back into her old habits she had right after the accident.

Kazu hated thinking of the accident, but she couldn't help it, with Miss Tari not around, she tends to slip into old habits, and the numbness she felt was something Miss Tari made sure to take away, now it was flooding Kazu's mind. The numbness was how she would cope with change.

She walked into the school and headed to her classroom, she had received her schedule a week earlier, so she knew where to go and what to do. When she entered the room, the first thing she noticed was two auburn haired twins, she only noticed them because they were blocking the doorway.

"Excuse me, you're kinda blocking the way." She said, even her voice was dull of emotion.

The two turned around, at the exact same time which sort of creeped Kazu out. No two human beings should be that alike.

"Oh wow, another commoner?" One asked.

"I thought we only accepted one commoner per year." The other said.

Kazu came to the conclusion the the one with his hair parted to the right had a deeper voice, while the one with the left part had a softer voice.

"I'm not a commoner." Kazu told him blandly.

"Then why aren't you wearing the uniform?" Deeper voice asked.

"I haven't gotten it yet." Kazu said simply, she glanced down at the button up white shirt and the black dress pants, she didn't look too much like a commoner, did she? She sighed and looked back up at the twins, "And will you please let me pass?"

The two just shrugged and stepped aside, letting Kazu pass. She heard them whisper to each other no to quietly.

"He must be new." Softer voice observed.

"Yeah, I never saw him in middle school." Deeper voice said back. Then the two seemed to drop the subject as some girls walked in.

They think I'm a guy. I guess that's understandable. I mean, I do look like one at the moment. She sat down in front of a brown haired boy who was reading a book at his desk. He must be the 'commoner' the twins were talking about. It was pretty obvious, the boy was wearing an oversized sweater. Kazu didn't think much of him and took out a book of her own.

"Oh, the new kid looks cute, do you think he'll join the host club?" A girl asked not so quietly. Kazu looked up at the girls, a bit shocked that they were looking at her. When she made eye contact, a couple blushed, while some looked away. She caught The twins looking at her, their eyes filled with curiosity.

Kazu shrugged, she didn't want to be part of any host club. She just went back to her book and read until the class started.

Once school ended, she walked around, wanting to find a place to practice her music. She passed a couple libraries, all of them seemed to occupied, though nobody seemed to be studying or reading. She past a couple of arched windows, she paused and looked out of them, seeing some white birds in a tree closest to the window, she watched as the two twins from before walked past her, they were talking to each other, though Kazu could care less about what they said.

After they turned the corner, Kazu decided to see where they were heading off. She followed the two around the corner, watching them enter music room three. What business would they have in an abandoned music room? She sighed and headed towards the door, passing music room three and heading into music room two, which seemed to be unused at the time, but not before seeing the boy from her class enter music room three.

Kazu walked into the music room and looked around, seeing random instruments scattered around the room. A grand piano in the middle, some harps and other string instruments to her right, while persuasion instruments were on her left, all the woodwind were probably in the closet.

She walked up to the piano and took off the cover that was over the keys. She moved her hand over the smooth wood, the cool smooth making her feel relaxed. She sat down at the stool and started to play. She played until she heard a loud crash from the next room over, right after, she heard some exclamations.

I wonder what's happening in Music room three... She thought to herself, as she sat in silence in the music room one over.

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