Chapter 26- Will You?

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The next day, Kazu woke up in Kyoya's bed, she smiled and looked over at Kyoya, watching him sleep calmly. He had managed to convince his father to let her stay. Though now his dad was on a business trip, and his brothers were out of the house, doing their own thing.

"Come on sleepy head." Kazu said, "Wake up." She pushed him slightly. It was already almost twelve, so he should be fine waking up, and not be a threatening monster.

Kyoya groaned but sat up, he pushed her lightly and she laughed, "Yeah, Yeah. I'm up." He put on his glasses and looked at Kazu, smiling slightly. "Get ready."

"Why, are we going somewhere?"

"Just get ready."

"Okay." Kazu said, a tiny bit skeptical. She got out of the bed and grabbed a black and white shirt and some skinny jeans. She went into the bathroom and got ready. She slipped off her oversized shirt and placed her hand on her stomach, where the wounds had healed, though they left even more scars on her stomach. She shook her head and slipped on the shirt, and finished getting changed.

She grabbed a brush and ran it through her hair, making sure to get rid of the few tangles. She headed out of the bathroom and Kyoya grabbed onto her hand, surprising Kazu as he pulled her out of the house and towards the limo. He pulled her in and the limo started to move.

"Kyoya. What is this all about?!" Kazu asked, her hand still intertwined with his.

Kyoya didn't respond, he just smiled.

The limo drove in silence and Kazu was holding his hand. When the limo stopped Kyoya and Kazu got out, Kyoya covered her eyes and led her inside a building. He removed his hands and Kazu recognized the hall they threw the party months earlier.

"You remember this place?" Kyoya asked.

Kazu nodded, "Yeah... it's where we threw that party and got those two together." She said. "Why did you bring me here, Kyoya."

"Kazu, this is also where I first said I knew you were a girl." Kyoya said, "And, I want to ask you this here." He smiled and turned Kazu around to face him. There was a light blush on his cheeks.

Kyoya, blushing? What's happening? Kazu thought.

"Kazu... Will you please be my girlfriend?" He asked, putting out his hand and smiling.

Kazu felt heat rise to her face, and her heart leaped in her chest, and she smiled widely, "Yes! I will!" She moved past his hand and hugged him, she felt arms wrap around her, and she smiled.

After a minute or two, they let go from each other but they kept holding hands. The two walked out of the building, talking and laughing.

"Are we going to tell the others?" Kazu asked.

"Lets let them find out on their own."

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