Chapter 14

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The next day at school, Kazu was glad she wasn't sitting where Haruhi was. Poor girl was right between the two fake fighters. She turned her head when she saw someone walk in, completely dumbstruck when she saw who it was, and what had happened.

"Hey Haruhi!" Hikaru shouted, "Good morning."

His hair... it's... flamingo pink. Kazu thought, for a fake fight, they're going really extreme. Then again, they probably want people to believe them.

He had walked up to Haruhi, and soon, Koaru was in the room. Blue. His hair is dyed blue. Kazu thought. She sighed and closed her book, I'm talking to these two one I get the chance. She sighed, then she heard a crash, turning around she saw that the twins throwing things. If I don't murder them first. She thought. Seriously, they had to choose this week to fight.

Somehow Usa-chan got thrown, then Honey was in the air. Again, Kazu felt really sorry for Haruhi. The poor girl had to bear through them.

Throughout the whole class period, Kazu could just feel the tension between the twins. Soon it was time for lunch, and she walked out right behind the twins.

"Hikaru. Koaru!" Kazu shouted out, they both turned around.

"What do you want, Kazu?" Hikaru asked, "Make it quick, I don't want to stand next to this idiot any longer!"

"Why are you faking?" Kazu asked, smiling slightly at the shocked expression on both of their faces, then they smiled.

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Hikaru asked.

"We're doing it because we're board." Koaru said.

"Oh my God. You two are literal idiots!" Kazu said, "You know you could maybe harm the club by this stupid fight?"

"Well, if it gets out of hand we can easily stop." They said, then they turned around "We're hungry. So we're going to get some lunch." They then walked away, pretending to bicker.

Starting a fight because you're board. Could these two be more idiotic? Kazu sighed and headed to the lunch room. Normally she would have lunch outside, but she didn't want to miss what this fake fight may bring. When she got there, the twins were ordering lunch. She walked up next to Haruhi.

"Amazing. Perfect unison even when fighting." Haruhi said.

Kazu watched as the rest of the host club walked in. This will be entertaining. Now Kazu was just watching everything go down. She had to admit that this was very entertaining now that she knew it was all fake.

"I was wondering what all the fuss was about." Tamaki said, "I can't believe the two of you are still fighting, your a disgrace to the host club."

"We've had enough of this! You're both to blame for this fighting." Honey said, then he pulled out a cake from who knows where. "Hika-chan and Kao-chan I want you to make up and go halvises on this cake, 'kay?"

Then Honey said he wanted to have a piece too, and then he just started making things worse. Kazu could again feel the irritation from the two from where she was standing a couple feet away. She was relived when Mori swooped in and grabbed Honey.

Then Kazu was distracted when Tamaki noticed Haruhi's boxed lunch. Kazu had her own, but since Tamaki thought she was a guy, Kazu assumed that he didn't care much for her's.

"Oh Haruhi! I didn't expect to run into you in the dining hall!" Tamaki said, hearts floating around him.

"I was worried about those two so I followed them here without even thinking." Haruhi said.

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