Chapter 16

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Kazu woke up couching a while later, she opened her eyes and stared up at the bright sun, squinting. She sat up and looked around, seeing she was in a forest. She suddenly felt cold. Lifted her arm, she inspected her sweater, it was soaking wet. She sighed and looked around, seeing that nobody was around, she slipped it off, hanging it on a tree branch.

I'll only let it dry out for a minute. It won't be the best, but it will at least be dryer.

She sat down and sighed, leaning her back on the tree, her hand over her worst scar, after a minute or two, she stood up, and slipped the sweater back on. She looked around, trying to decide where to go.

Why the hell did I jump into that river. Honey can handle himself... Kazu thought, she sighed and placed a hand on the back of her head. Then she saw the river, "I guess I should follow this one way or the other..." She said. She moved her hand to her chin. "Now. What way was I washed away." She thought back to when she was washed away. Then she looked towards her left, "I was dragged that way. So I should probably head this way." She said, looking to her right.

Kazu started to head along the river and through the forest, soon it got darker, and it started to rain. Great. Kazu thought, pulling her hood over her head.

~Kyoya's POV 3rd person~

Kyoya was walking with the rest of the group, he had pointed the way to go to the others, and now they were walking through the jungle.

"Wow. This place is just like a real jungle, huh?" Tamaki said.

"Yeah, I keep hearing all these really strange animal calls." Haruhi said.

"You don't think that all those animal sounds..." Hikaru whispered to his brother.

"Could belong to the real thing, do you?" Koaru asked.

"To be honest I'm not sure." Kyoya said. "But I do know that my family always strives for authenticity, whatever the cost."

I hope Kazu is okay. Kyoya thought. He felt a slight blush rise to his cheeks, And Honey, of course. But he can handle himself, Kazu, I'm afraid I don't know if she can. I'm unaware of any training she may if had. Kyoya looked around, Kazu is a smart girl. I'm sure she can handle herself too. Kyoya was snapped out of his thoughts as Mori slipped on a banana and fell.

"Mori-senpai is..." Hikaru said.

"Acting as clumsy as you do, boss!" Koaru said.

"Shut up!" Tamaki grunted.

Kyoya watched as Mori got up. Then he looked up at the sky as it got dark. He looked at his watch. "Uh-oh. It's about time for the squall." He led them to a small shelter a small but away. They would have to stay there until the rain stopped before the could continue searching.

"Hey Mori-senpai, you seem to be really close with Honey-senpai. Are the two of you like childhood friends?" Haruhi asked.

"You mean you don't know?" Hikaru asked.

"That they're cousins?" Koaru finished.

"You're kidding m! They're related?" Haruhi said, Obviously shocked.

"The Morinozukas have been serving the Huninozuka family for generations." Kyoya said.

"However, two generations ago, the families became relatives by marriage." Hikaru explained. "And the master servant relationship soon became a thing of the past."

"But even so. Mori-senpai has always made sure to accompany Honey-senpai." Koaru added.

"Must really get his blood going." Tamaki said, "the blood of a loyal sergeant flows like a mighty river through Mori-senpai's veins."

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