Chapter 10

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A week later, Kazu was wearing a soft sunset kimono. With it being orange at the bottom, fading into a dark purple, then turning into a dark navy blue. There were what seemed like white swirls that started near the dark purple, meaning to be like stars, she had two white star shaped clips in her hair.

It seemed like tears were the thing today. Tamaki was looking at a girl with tears in his eyes, while the twins were doing their twincest, Koaru was on the verge of tears. Kazu was confused as to how they were tearing up.

She didn't have any customers, so she was walking around. She listened to some girls over by Haruhi.

"Haruhi!" A girl exclaimed, "you look so cute in your kimono!"

"Almost like a girl!" The other said.

"Thanks." Haruhi said, then her attention was pulled by Kyoya.

"Haruhi, you booked another appointment." He said, using a brush robot stuff down on a sheet of paper. "You've been keeping a step flow of customers lately. Keep up the good work." He turned to face her, "I'm not going to charge you interest on your dept like I normally would, so keep this up and you should be able to pay it off." He smiled his signature devilish smile. "Although, the rental fee on that Kimono you're wearing is nothing to sneeze at."

Kazu didn't catch Haruhi's expression, because from the angle she was at, two girls blocked Haruhi from her sight.

"Hello Kyoya." One of the girls said.

"I can't get over how great you look in that Kimono. Are you planning to release any more picture books of the host club?"

Kyoya smiled at the girls, "Unfortunately we don't have anything planned at the present, ladies."

Koaru and Hikaru appeared from over the wall, "but doesn't the club make a lot of money," Hikaru started.

"From the sale of promotional items?" Koaru finished

Kyoya turned to face them, "That's true, but the items were poor quality." He showed them some pictures. "Those picture books were filled with nothing but amateur hidden camera shots." He adjusted his glasses, "however, if we want to create some higher quality money making products, I'm afraid we'd have to draw money from the schools budget."

Kazu watched as the twins lowered themselves from over the wall. Then she looked around at all the girls talking to each other about how Kyoya was the brains of the club.

Now that I think about it... Kyoya is one of the main reasons this club is still standing. Kazu thought, staring into space.

"Haru-chan, Haru-chan." Honey sobbed, walking up bare feet with his eyes full of tears. "I don't know how but I lost one of my sandals!"

Haruhi walked up to Honey, "but you were just wearing them, weren't you?" She asked.

Suddenly Mori walked up from beside Kazu, "Mitskuni." He said, kneeling down and grabbing Honey's ankle, sliding up his foot and slipping on a sandal.

"Takashi?" Honey asked.

"I noticed that you dropped it."

Honey jumped into Mori's arms, "Takashi!" He said, hugging him.

Kazu sighed. Tears were obviously the only thing the girls were paying attention to, besides the beauty and Kimonos. She watched as Haruhi backed into one of the twins, and something dropped out of his sleeve.

Haruhi picked it up, asking what it was in an annoyed tone. Kazu tuned out the twins, catching herself staring at Kyoya. He looked at her and Kazu found herself quickly looking away. She noticed the twins give Haruhi something, it looked like a small candy.

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