Chapter 18

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As Kazu walked along the shore, she watched as the sun was going setting across the ocean. She smiled slightly and walked in the waves, enjoying the feeling of the water around her feet.

She saw Haruhi collecting shell fish and was just about to call out to her when someone had already called out. Kazu looked up and saw three girls standing on top of a cliff. Then she noticed three figures at the bottom of the cliff.

This can't be good. Kazu thought, she started to walk faster as she saw the figures climb up the cliff. When she heard screaming, she started to run, watching as Haruhi heard climbed up also.

"Hey, there are chicks up there!" One of the figures called out, he had brown hair tied back in a ponytail.

Shit. Perves. Kazu thought, running up the rocks behind Haruhi.

"Man aren't we lucky. You ladies want to hang out with a couple of locals?"

"No thanks. Please, just leave us alone." A girl said.

One of the guys grabbed onto her arm. "Aw, I wanna show you girls how to have a good time."

"This is a private beach. You guys are not allowed to be here!" One of the girls said.

"Private, does that mean we're alone?" The second guy, wearing a blue and white hoodie asked.

Kazu watched as Haruhi flung some shell fish to the first guy, and as some urchins stuck to him.

"This is a private beach!" Kazu shouted, repeating what the girls said earlier.

"Why don't you quit bothering them? Weren't you jerks listening?" Haruhi exclaimed. "You'd better just leave them alone!"

"Haruhi! Kazu!" The girl said, happy to see the two.

"You little runt!" Ponytail said.

"Quick! Run while we have them distracted!" Kazu shouted out, pushing past ponytail and grabbing onto the girls arms. She watched as one if the girls ran away.

Kazu watched as ponytail grabbed onto Haruhi's shirt, and pushed her towards the edge, she was just about to reach for her when she was grabbed by the third guy, who was wearing a plain white shirt. He turned her around and smiled.

"You look a lot like my precious Yuki!" He said, "I've always wondered what she would look like choking from my hands around her neck. But since she isn't here, I'll test it out on you!" He grabbed Kazu's neck and started to choke her, also bringing her towards the edge.

Kazu gasped for air, though none found their way to her lungs, she tried to pull the man's arms away, unable to make them budge.

"Don't hurt them!" On if the girls squealed.

"Now don't you go acting all tough, you little sissy boys!" Hoodie said.

"I got an idea, kid." Ponytail said, "how'd you like to take a dip." He pushed Haruhi off the cliff, but Kazu could barely turn her head to look, she saw Tamaki yell out her name, but by now, Kazu's lungs were aching, and she was feeling light headed, she finally felt the guy release her, and she fell backwards, falling into the cold ocean below. She saw Tamaki jump from the cliff, along with someone else, but Kazu blacked out before she recognized him. The last things before she blacked out was feeling the cold ocean water surround her body.

~Kyoya's POV, 3rd person~

Kyoya was standing along the shore as he watched the twins and Tamaki run along the beach, all obviously scared of what was in the bucket. Then the stopped as a girl ran up to them. And said something

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