Chapter 6

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The next day, Haruhi practiced dancing, and since Tamaki was sitting in the window sulking, Kazu was to play the piano for the practice.

"Quick, quick, slow." Kanako instructed to Haruhi. Honey was shouting happily in the background, being spun by Mori.

Kazu tuned them all out until she heard a crash, she looked over and saw Haruhi over Kanako, she sighed and kept playing, she wasn't going to stop just because someone fell.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the twins talking to Tamaki, most likely taunting him.

Once they stopped dancing, Kanako had some tea, while Haruhi thanked her. Kazu caught eye contact with Kyoya, who seemed to be telling her to keep playing.

Fine. I'll keep playing. But it's not like I'll like it. Kazu silently fumed.

She was playing a melody familiar to her, so she could look up at parts she knew really well. She noticed Kanako looking at a tea cup, she was admiring it. She said something that made Haruhi confused, Kyoya then started talking, for some reason, Kazu strained to listen.

"You have a keen eye, Mademoiselle. In fact, we just received them yesterday. We decided it was about time for the club to upgrade it's tea sets."

Kanako replied, but Kazu didn't listen, why did she only want to hear Kyoya? It was strange. She just sighed and shrugged off the feeling as she continued to play.

Kazu was so absorbed in her playing, that she only looked up when the door opened and some boy walked in, she stopped playing to watch this exchange.

"Hello? I'm here with the new tea cups you ordered." He said, holding a brown box.

"Ah, thank you very much." Kyoya said, walking up to the boy. "Every item you've chosen has been extremely popular with the ladies, I'm quite impressed."

"Well, that's good to hear, but I've still got a lot to learn."

"So, do you sell tea sets?" Haruhi asked, walking up to him.

"No, I'm just a regular student. Can't you tell by the uniform?"

"Some uniform he's got on." Kazu muttered to herself. "He's the only one so far that I've seen wearing it."

Kanako laughed. "Oh Haruhi, you're so funny." Everyone looked at her, "I can't blame you for not knowing, after all, he doesn't look like an heir to a first class company."

With this school, you could look homeless but still be an heir to a first class company. Kazu thought. She sighed and tuned out the rest, not really interested at the moment.

"Aren't you leaving next month to study abroad in England?" Kyoya asked.

Kazu was interested now. She had seen the way the two were looking at each other.

"Yes, I am. Well, I'd better go now." He left the room.

"So, are you enjoying the host club?" Tamaki suddenly asked Kanako.

Could you of asked at a worse time, Blondie? Kazu thought.

Haruhi was walking up to her, "I get the feeling that you and that guy are kinda close."

Oh my God. Does nobody here know how to read the mood? Kazu thought, irritated by the club.

Kanako sort of freaked out by that. "D-don"t be ridiculous, we hardly know each other!" She exclaimed. "What makes you say that Haruhi?" She got up and headed for the door. "Now, if you'll please excuse me, take care." She then rushed out of the room.

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