Chapter 15

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After school a week later, Kazu was sitting in the club room, with everyone except Haruhi, who said she had to go home and do something. Kazu didn't catch what.

They weren't hosting today, so they were just sitting around.

"I've been thinking. We've all been really tense lately." Kyoya said, "So, I asked my father if we could use the Ootori's new resort. It hasn't opened yet, so I asked of we could test it. We can go tomorrow after school."

"That would be a great idea!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"What about Haruhi? She's not exactly here right now. And I don't trust you guys to tell her." Kazu pointed out. "And none of us know exactly where she lives." That was a lie. Kazu loved a couple doors down from Haruhi, and she didn't really want the club knowing where she lived. Not even Haruhi knew that she lived a couple doors down.

"Don't worry. We'll take care of that." The twins said.

Kazu got a bad feeling about them. But she just sighed and pushed it to the back of her mind. Kazu got up and headed out. "Look, you guys can go. I'd prefer to stay home." She said. "I don't really get into theme parks." She walked out and headed to her apartment.

The next day, Kazu was sitting in class, ignoring as the twin's stares bore down on her. Something was telling her they had a plan. Hopefully it involved Haruhi, and not her.

After school that day, Kazu was walking behind Haruhi as she watched the twins hook their arms onto hers.

"Target." Koaru said.

"Captured!" Hiakru said.

Kazu was a bout to laugh when she was picked up and draped over someone's shoulder. "Hey!"

Kazu heard the engine of a car drive up, and she saw as the window rolled down and Tamaki was sitting there, with some sunglasses.

"Good work, now take them with you." He said, then he rolled up the window.


"Hold on..." Haruhi said. "Where are we going?!" She yelled out as she was dragged away. Kazu was carried the other direction, then she was put into a limo, and Kyoya slid in beside her, he closed the door and the limo started to move.

"When we get to the resort. I would appreciate if you put this on." He handed Kazu a small bag. "Oh, and don't look inside it until we get there."

Kazu had a bad feeling about this, but she sighed, and decided she may as well do what he says. They soon reached the resort and Kyoya guided her to a changing room.

When Kazu opened the bag, she looked at what was inside. "You've got to be kidding me Kyoya." She said, she was staring a a baby pink bikini, with darker pink dots. It was just a simple bikini, but there was no way she was wearing it, it showed her scars on her stomach. "Are you trying to get them to figure out I'm a girl?"

"If you don't like it, I can easily give you something to cover it up. I just thought it would suit you."

"Were you just walking through the store one day and you just happened to see a bikini? Why not offer it to Haruhi?" Her voice was full of sarcasm.

"The twins have her covered." Kyoya said.

Kazu tried to open the door, only to find Kyoya leaning back on it. "You're not going to let me out unless I put it on... are you. You're truly the devil."

Though Kazu couldn't see him. She was positive he was smiling his usual smirk. "Why the hell did you give this to me anyways?"

"Why, because you didn't want to come to the resort." Kyoya said.

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