Chapter 5

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A month or two later, Kazu was standing with the hosts waiting for the girls to walk in. They would be here at any moment. Today's theme was the tropics, and it confused Kazu when she had walked in the room, she though she had accidentally stepped though a portal somewhere else.

All the other Hosts around her were wearing open chest costumes. All jungle tropical attire.

Kazu on the other hand, was wearing a different type of costume. Though it was open chested, she improvised with some bandages around her chest and stomach. The vest she wore was tied shut with some golden chains, she didn't have any shirt under, but she had the bandages. Her pants, or skort, was like the other's held up by a golden colored belt. Kazu was was wearing a simple golden leaf headdress, the leaves were detailed, but by the feel and weight of it, and knowing who these people are, she assumed it was probably close to real gold.

The door flung open and Haruhi rushed in, it was obvious by his expression that he was as shocked as Kazu when she walked in. Well, she was more like horrified from the expression. Kazu found it difficult to hold in a small giggle as a Toucan landed on his head.

"You finally made it, Haruhi." The twins said. "You're so late."

Haruhi wasn't listening, "I could be wrong, but my calender says it's still early spring."

Tamaki starting doing his dramatic kingly act, Kazu sort of tuned him out, after a while of this same act, it gets kind of boring. She looked up as Honey flew through the air. How? She thought silently to herself, then she saw Mori. That's how.

"Do you have a problem with how we run our club, Haruhi?" Kyoya asked. He was standing next to Kazu, holding his clipboard, writing some stuff in it. "Be careful about what you say. You owe us eight million yen, remember?"

Haruhi seemed to turn white, and he seemed to remember something.

Tamaki started talking again. "Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing." He said. "It may be chilly early spring in the real world, but here in the club we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm tropical paradise."

Kazu shivered inwardly, she hated the way Tamaki called the girls kittens.

"Oh yes! We've turned this place into Nirvana. A homely tropical island of everlasting summer!"

"That's funny, 'cus I feel a massive chill right now." Haruhi said, his voice showing no emotion.

Soon the gusts started to arrive, and Kazu sat down near a tree, entertaining her own guests.

"Oh Kazu, you're so dreamy." One of the girls sighed

"Kazu, what's your favourite song."

"Well, the one that related to you, princess." She replied, making the girl go wild. She heard Tamaki mention something about him being a customer's slave, but she tuned him out. Haruhi walked past her with an empty glass cup on a tray. Then she heard someone mention a party that the club was hosting.

Why wasn't I told about this? She asked herself silently.

Squealing girls caught her attention as she saw the twins doing their brotherly love act. She sighed.

"Kazu, did you forget about us?" One of the girls pouted.

Kazu looked at her, "or course not. I'm just a little distracted." She said. "I don't know who I'm going to be dancing with at the dance, I'm afraid I'll be alone." She looked down. Even if she didn't want to be hosting, she's gotten used to the attention, and she had gotten the hang of hosting.

"I'll dance with you Kazu!" One of the girls said.

"No I will!"

Soon all three of the girls sitting with Kazu were almost fighting onto who would dance with Kazu.

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