Chapter 17

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The next day, Kazu was sitting in the host club, watching as the twins showed Haruhi some swim suits.

"We've brought some swim suits for you to try on." Koaru said.

"Pretty cute, don't ya think?" Hikaru asked. Pointing towards a bikini with a pink ruffled top.

"Not that one!" Honey interrupted. "I think that this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-chan!"

"I don't think you get it, Honey-senpai." The twins said.

"Just look. This uniform barely hides the fact that Haruhi's as flat as a cutting board." Hikaru pointed out.

"A one piece suit like that would only draw attention to her lack of feminine attributes." Koaru said.

"That's why," They said, "We carefully selected this two piece, see? The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat chested!"

Kazu watched as Tamaki pushed the twins away. "You punks had better quit sexually harassing my little girl!" He said. "I've had enough of you!"

"That means... we're not going... to the beach." The twins said, disappointed.

"Who said that we're not going?"

"Really? So you wanna go after all?" The twins asked.

"Can Usa-chan come too?" Honey asked.

"I have no problem with that." Kyoya said, writing in his notebook.

"Huh? We're really gonna go?" Haruhi asked.

"Why not?" Tamaki said, smiling, "Let's go to the beach."

So that weekend, the club all headed to the beach. Kazu rode with Kyoya considering she didn't have a limo, she used the excuse that it was in the shop.

When they arrived, Kazu saw the rest of the club standing there.

"So... why'd we come to Okinawa?" The twins asked.

"Because Kyoya's family owns a private beach here." Tamaki explained.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?!" Honey said.

"Yeah." Mori agreed.

"But why could we of gone to the Caribbean," Hikaru asked.

"Or even Fiji?" Koaru asked.

"Do you think that a commoner like Haruhi has a passport?" Kyoya asked.

"You do realize that I can hear you guys, right?" Haruhi asked.

When they headed to the shore, Kazu scanned the ocean, seeing girls from school all over the private beach. I should of known we would work on location. Kazu sighed, even if there were girls around, she was still determined to do what she always does when she goes to the beach, build a sand castle. She even had some kiddy beach toys for collecting the sand.

"Hey Kazu," Hikaru said.

"Why do you have kid toys?" Koaru asked.

Kazu looked at the two. " You two got a problem with them?" She asked.

The twins shrugged, then they smiled.

"Your not wearing any swim trunks. Kazu." Hikaru pointed out. He looked at her sky blue sweat shirt and cargo shorts.

"You didn't wear any at the resort too. Are you sure you swim?" Koaru asked.

"Of course I swim you idiots!" Kazu shouted, glaring at the twins, "I just don't care for it." She walked away and sat down on the sand, near the waves, and started to build her sand castle.

"Uhm... Kazu, would you mind if we joined you on building sand castles?" A girl asked.

Kazu turned around and smiled, "Of course, no castle is complete without a princess." Kazu said, making the girls blush.

"I find it so sweet that you're so into building sand castles, Kazu!"

"It brings back memories of my childhood." Kazu said, "And now, whenever I'm at a beach, I make at least one sand castle."

The girls swooned for her, and Kazu continued building her sand castle, when suddenly a beach ball landed directly on top of it. She sat back and stared at it, then at the running twins. Kazu noticed that there was a volleyball net and she figured the ball came from there. Kazu stood up and held the ball, she then threw it to the girls, who caught it, thanking her.

"Oh no, your sand castle!" A girl said, she was building her own.

"Oh, it's okay." Kazu said, "The best part of sand castles is that you can always remake them, even if they're not like the previous one, it's still fun building them."

The girls smiled and agreed, then they continued to build castles. Until Kazu finally stood up. "Hey, I'm going to go find some shells for us to use." She said, she stood up and walked along the shore, searching for shells. She noticed Tamaki squirming on a chair and knew he was most likely daydreaming, Kazu just ignored him and continued searching.

Kazu then found herself in the way of stampeding screaming girls Kazu just watched as they ran past her. Then she watched as Haruhi threw something over some rocks.

"Hey Haruhi." The twins said, resting their arms on Haruhi's shoulders.

"Now, I know most girls aren't the bug loving type, and I certainly didn't think you were, but" Hikaru said.

"Don't you think you could of gone easier on the little guy?" Koaru asked.

"Oh come on, it's not dead." Haruhi said, "It takes a lot more than that to kill a bug."

Kazu watched as all the girls walked back, talking about how brave and manly Haruhi was.

"Well isn't that just great." Hikaru said.

"Haruhi's not normal. I thought girls were afraid of bugs." Koaru said.

"I'm sure she's afraid of something." Tamaki said.

"Of course she's afraid of something." Kazu said, walking up to them with her bucket of shells, "Every girl is afraid of something, just like every boy is. If she hasn't told us, there must be a reason."

They all seemed to ignore her, then the twins got an idea. Kazu got a bad feeling about this.

"Hey boss, listen up!" They said. "We just thought up a new game to play that would be a lot of fun. It's called the 'who can find Haruhi's weakness' game!" She smiled, "So, think your up to it?"

"That game sounds terrible." Tamaki said.

"Eh, I guess you're right." Hikaru said, walking away. "I'd guess she'd only tell her weakness to someone she was really close to."

"What are the rules?" Tamaki asked, causing the twins to turn around.

"Now that's more like it." They said.

"The deadline is sunset tomorrow." Hikaru said.

"Whoever finds her weakness first, wins."

"And I have the perfect prize for the game's lucky winner." Kyoya said, holding up pictures.

The three look at the pictures, Kazu looked at them also, mostly intrigued.

"We wanna play too!" Honey exclaimed.

"I guess that means we're all playing." Kyoya stated.

"I'm not." Kazu said, picking up a shell and placing it in the bucket, giving them a sideways look with emotionless eyes. "I don't really see the fun in finding someone's fear. And making the prize pictures of the victim isn't a good prize." She looked back at the shore, searching for shells. "Where did you even get those pictures, Kyoya?"

"I have my sources." He said simply. "How about we just leave it at that for the moment." He smiled slyly.

Knowing him. He probably has pictures of me before I cut my hair. Then again, they aren't hard to come by. Kazu thought, as all of the boys went out to play the "game".

"This will be fun to watch." Kazu said, smiling slightly as the twins got Haruhi and some girls to go into a cave.

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