Chapter 13

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After the weekend, Kazu headed to the club room, yawning. She didn't get to sleep the night before, her neighbors were being way too loud. She opened the door to Tamaki showing the twins a computer, obviously angry.

Kazu looked at the club very irritated, she wasn't in the mood for these idiots. Kazu felt like she could stab any one of them.

She watched as Tamaki held a dress up to Haruhi, and as the girls talked about Haruhi dressed as a girl. She turned and glared at Tamaki, then she talked to the twins.

She must of been kept up by the neighbors too. I still can't believe we live in the same apartment complex. And it didn't help that Kazu's monthly subscription to the devils waterfall arrived the day before, now she has to suffer a week of blood and cramps.

"Isn't that obvious. You're our toy." They said, smiling.

Apparently Haruhi asked them what they thought she was or something, Kazu was too busy to answer.

"As we were saying." Hikaru said, "In order to entertain ones self in this otherwise boring life,"

"One must find himself stimulating toys." Koaru said.

"I'm not your toy, okay?" Haruhi said, obviously annoyed.

"You want a toy?" Someone asked, a door was open a sliver, and someone was standing in the dark. "Toys, toys, if you like toys, than you should come and visit my black magic club. We've opened a market place that hold both black magic items from across the globe. We're also holding mass around the clock."

Kazu noticed Tamaki turn to the man, obviously scared pantsless.

"If you visit right now, I'll even throw in a free curse doll." He held up a hand puppet. "You could have Belzinith."

"Why is he talking to us through a cracked door?" Haruhi asked.

"Wait a minute, has that door always been there?" The twins asked.

Kyoya walked up, "Nekozowa senpai likes to hide, he doesn't really care for brightly lit places."

Kazu just sighed, watching as Tamaki talked to Haruhi, warning her to stay away. Then he ended up telling a story.

"That only happened because you were so scared you walked into the beginning Greek class and took their exam." Kyoya said, irritated.

"No it was a curse! I know because three days later I woke up and my legs were as heavy as lead! Just how do you explain that?!"

"Your legs were heavy because you ran a marathon the day before, remember?" Kyoya said, writing stuff down in his notebook.

Oh my God. One more word out of Tamaki's mouth, I'm literally going to slap him so hard there's gonna be a mark for a month.

Suddenly, Kazu heard screaming and she looked up to see Tamaki and Nekozowa start running, while all the girls watched. Kazu watched as they ran, then as Nekozowa ran out if the room and slammed the door behind him.

Tamaki looked at the twins, terrified. "How could you guys do such a thing?" He asked as the twins walked away. "Obviously the two of you don't know the true terror of black magic!"

The twins were now sitting near the window.

"Uhg. I am so bored." Hikaru said.

"Isn't there anything fun we could do around here?" Koaru asked.

Kazu walked up to Tamaki, "You know black magic doesn't exist, right?" She asked, irritated, suddenly Tamaki was in his gloom corner.

"My dignity as the club leader." He muttered. "Is being ignored."

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