Chapter 9

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The day after the physical exam, Kazu was sitting in the host room, reading a book. Her vision would blur, then it would focus. She was exhausted. She didn't sleep at all the night before. It wasn't the van that kept her up, she had a nightmare, waking up at midnight, not getting a wink if sleep afterwards, for her, and interrupted sleep is worse than no sleep at all.

She was in the club early that day, not even Kyoya was there.

After a while, the door opened and Kazu looked up, seeing Kyoya and Tamaki enter, talking, well, Tamaki was talking and Kyoya was listening. They looked in shock, seeing her sitting there.

"Kazu, what are you doing here, classes just got out." Tamaki said.

Kazu didn't want to say that she skipped school today, she couldn't even get out of bed until 10:00 am. And she was a sobbing less until 10:30. She was pathetic really. It's been about a year and she's still torn up over the accident. "I left class early. I was feeling sick, so I went to the nurses. She said I was fine so I came here. It wasn't long before school ended when I left her office."

"Well, I hope you're feeling better." Kyoya said, jotting down something on his clipboard. "You do look a little pale."

Kazu smiled a bit, "I am feeling better. Thanks for your concern." The rest of the club walked in, The twins and Haruhi looked shocked that Kazu was sitting in the room. It figured since they were in their class and they would notice that she was missing. She put her finger to her mouth in a shushing motion, hoping they wouldn't say anything.

The twins glanced at each other, then smiled. Kazu knew that wasn't a good sign. The twins walked up to her.

"Why weren't you in class today Kazu?" Hikaru asked.

"I-I was feeling sick. I went to the nurses office before I even headed into the classroom." Kazu said, seeing that Kyoya was staring at her, listening to them talk. "I- Did you get the homework for me?" She asked.

Haruhi took out some papers. "Yeah. I grabbed them for you." She gave them to Kazu, who stood up, suddenly feeling light-headed, she watched as the world blurred and turned to black.

- Kyoya's POV, 3rd person -

After Kazu fainted, the host club all sort of panicked, except for Mori and Kyoya, who walked up to her.

"Calm down." Kyoya said, "He's just sleeping." He said, looking at the other hosts, keeping Kazu's secret. He picked up Kazu, "I'm going to take him to the nurse to rest."

"Wait, Kyoya, let Mori do that." Tamaki said, "I need you to stay here."

Kyoya looked over at Tamaki, "I'd better take him." Kyoya said simply. He walked out the door with Kazu draped in his arms.

Kazu you idiot. You needed to sleep. Then he felt his ears grow hot, why am I so concerned for her. She's just a host... right? He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He entered the nurses office, and the nurse in there looked up, she stood up.

"Mr. Ootori! How may I help you?" She asked.

She wants to be noticed by an Ootori. She must be hoping to be hired into one of out hospitals. He observed quickly. "My friend here fainted, seems to be of sleep deprivation." He said. "He needs somewhere to sleep."

"You can put him right over there." The nurse said, directing him towards a bed near the back. It was in the middle of three. There were of course more in the school, but this was a simple nurse's room. He placed Kazu on the bed, and watched her for a minute.

She's cute when she's sleeping... He thought, then he shook his head and placed his hand on the back of his head, feeling his cheeks grow hot. "I should be going now, please wake him up before it gets dark. Unless I come by to wake him." He left the room and headed back to the host club.

- Kazu's POV 3rd person~

Kazu woke up about two hours later. She saw that a curtain was pulled around her. She recognized them as the nurse's office curtains. How did I get here? She wondered. She heard the shuffle of papers from outside, I can ask the nurse. She drew the curtains back, watching as the nurse jumped from the noise.

"Oh! Mr. Nikima! I was just about to wake you!" She said.

"Well, I'm awake now." Kazu said, she put her hand on the back of her head, "hey, do you mind telling me who brought me here?" She asked.

"Oh, well Mr. Ootori did!" The nurse said.

"Oh. Thanks. If he comes by, tell him I headed home." She turned around quickly, her face growing insanely hot. Why am I blushing? Kyoya is just a friend. Isn't he? She walked out, bumping into Kyoya, she looked up and blushed even more. "H-hey, thanks for bringing me to the nurses office..." She muttered.

"Don't think anything of it." Kyoya said. "I just did was would benefit the club, it wouldn't be good if one of our hosts passed out in front of any of the girls." He smiled.

Kazu suddenly felt her heart drop, he only did it because he got something in return, club profit. Why was she feeling this way, she didn't like him... or did she. "Thanks. I appreciate it." She turned and walked away, heading home.

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