Chapter 11

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The next day, Kazu was standing in the music room, listening to Tamaki.

"I've thought about it a lot last night, and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea."

"Why do you say that?" The twins asked.

"It's fairly obvious, isn't it?" Tamaki asked, "Renege just transferred into the same class as Haruhi. So if Haruhi has a girl friend around, it could bring out it the female within her. Renege's girlish air of tenderness might be able to stimulate Haruhi's own sense of femininity."

"I don't think I want Renege's personality rubbing off on Haruhi, personally." Kazu said.

"I agree with Kazu." Hikaru said.

"I wouldn't want two of Renege." Koaru said.

"Well, not all of Renege's personality would rub off, just the feminine part!" Tamaki tried to explain.

"How do you know just the feminine part?" Kazu asked, "it could be more."

"Never mind that! Now is our chance to help Haruhi get in touch with her feminine side, this is an important project, men! She doesn't have any friends in class right now except hothead two shady twins!"

"Hey! Am I not counted as a friend?" Kazu asked, walking up behind the twins.

Tamaki looked up at Kazu, "You're still a boy, and that's no good for her!"

I swear. One day he's going to get a fist to the face. She thought.

"Like you have room to talk." The twins said, then they turned around as Renege opened the door.

"Hey everyone!" She said, "You'll be happy to know that your new manager, Renege, has baked all of you some cookies!"

Tamaki was suddenly beside her, "Isn't she ladylike?" He asked, pulling a dramatic pose. "I'm so moved by your generosity!"

"I didn't bake these cookies for you, you phoney prince." She said, Tamaki went over to his gloom corner as Renege walked up to Kyoya, "I'm sorry I burnt them a little bit, I did the best I could, and I already know what you're going to say!" She seemed to be thinking of something. "Oh, You're always so sweet to me, Kyoya!"

"She wasn't kidding, these cookies really are burned." Honey said, nibbling on one.

Mori was suddenly behind him, "Don't eat that Mitskuni, it's bad for you." He warned.

Apparently Renege heard and she unleashed some rage on him, Mori grabbed Honey and ran away from the terrifying she-demon.

Kazu grabbed a cookie, then Haruhi grabbed one. Kazu loved burnt food. She took a bite of the cookie, it was burnt, but it was burnt to perfection. It was still chocolatey, but she could taste the tang of the burnt cookie, and that made he smile. She looked up, and saw Kyoya glance at her then he went back to look at Renege.

Suddenly Hikaru and Koaru were in front of Haruhi.

"May I try?" Hikaru asked, tilting Haruhi's head up and biting the cookie that was still in her mouth.

"Uh oh, you've got crumbs on your face." Koaru said, then he proceeded to lick them off.

Times like this make me really happy they don't know I'm a girl. Kazu thought. She happily nibbled on her cookie in peace. And as Tamaki started to freak out, Kyoya tried to calm him down.

He's going to murder them. Kazu thought, watching them with an emotionless face, still eating the cookie.

Haruhi acted calmly, and that freaked Tamaki out even more.

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