Chapter 22

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The next morning, Kazu woke up to someone pushing her shoulder.

"Nooo just let me sleep..." Kazu complained sleepily.

"I didn't think anyone could sleep longer than I could." Kyoya said.

Kazu opened her eyes and looked at Kyoya, who was sitting up in the bed, looking at her. She could of sworn she saw some humor in his expression. "Well, I guess you've never met me." Kazu said. She looked at the clock, "Only nine? Come on, it's too early."

"Well, we do have to go to the bed and breakfast." Kyoya said.

Kazu groaned, "I never wanted to come here in the first place." She said. Then she sat up, "But fine. I'll get up." She stretched, "I'll have to wear what I wore yesterday. I'll do some shopping today." She said to herself.

Kyoya didn't respond, he only got out of bed and grabbed some clothes, then he walked to the bathroom.

Kazu got out of the bed and yawned. She slept well the night before, no nightmares, no waking up in the middle of the night terrified, and she fell asleep right away. She grabbed her hoodie and pants, and changed. Once done, she folded the shirt she wore that night and placed it on the dresser. I'll have to ask Kyoya what he wants me to do with that later. She thought.

A while later, the two were walking to the bed and breakfast. When they finally got there, she noticed a bike stopped outside. The two walked inside, and Kazu saw the host club sitting at the tables. There was a boy sitting with Haruhi. Kazu followed Kyoya and sat with him at a table with Honey and Mori. He must be the owner of the bike.

"So, he's a friend from middle school." Kyoya stated.

"They haven't had any contact since graduation. So in my opinion they're not friends, just former classmates." Hikaru said.

That's a different tone... Is Hikaru... Jealous? Kazu wondered, looking over at him, his back was turned to her, so she just looked back at Haruhi and the boy. Then her attention was turned back to Hikaru, who was holding his glass up.

"Hey Haruhi!" He shouted over to her, "Shouldn't you be working? You shouldn't be slacking off!"

"Misuzu said I could take a break!" Haruhi yelled back, then her attention was put into Tamaki, who was tearing up paper and putting it on the ground.

"What's with him?" Hikaru asked, "He's trying to use the refreshing innocence approach." He looked away from the two. "Someone should tell him we've already had a refreshment contest."

"You're being unusually critical." Kyoya said.

"I'm just sayin'." Hikaru said, loud enough for Haruhi and the boy to hear. "It's obvious this guy has a thing for Haruhi. It's sickening to try and watch him flirt."

He's jealous. Kazu thought, it was obvious now, Hikaru liked Haruhi. He was jealous of the boy.

"Hikaru! What's wrong with you? Quit acting like such a jerk!" Haruhi exclaimed.

"Hey." The boy said, "It's no big deal. He's right. I did have a thing for you once." He admitted. "But who cares, you already turned me down, right?"

Everyone looked shocked, even Haruhi.

"Why do you look so surprised?" Kyoya and Kazu asked her at the same time.

"W-well, I didn't know." He said.

"You'll have to fill us in on the story, Arai." Tamaki said.

"Well, it was about a year ago." He started.

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