Chapter 24

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WARNING: This chapter will contain some sensitive material. Please read at your own risk.

The next day, Kazu was sitting on a couch reading, earlier in the morning Tamaki had yelled at her and Kyoya when they woke up, saying that an arm around her waist was too touchy. Thankfully he had to stop talking since Honey and Mori woke up, along with Haruhi and the twins. Kazu listened as the door opened and as someone walked in. Kazu just read her book, tuning them out until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey Kazu, mind if we take a walk?" Tamaki asked.

"Sure." Kazu said. She stood up and followed him out of the bed and breakfast. Kazu walked beside him, "What do you want?" She asked.

"Nothing." Tamaki said, "Can't a friend just walk with another?

Kazu rolled her eyes, "Usually people only ask to walk with someone if they want to ask something."

Tamaki sighed, "Fine. You've caught me." He smiled slightly and laughed a bit, "I guess I'm not the best at hiding things."

"Not at all."

"Then tell me why you're acting so scared?"

Kazu felt a bit of annoyance and felt a little angry, "What? Did Kyoya ask you to talk to me?!" She asked, her voice seething. "Like I told him countless times before. I'm. Fine!" She started walking faster.

"Kazu! Wait!" Tamaki shouted.

Kazu looked back, her eyes burning with anger, "Why? So you can pester me if I'm okay? No way." She seethed. She started to run, unaware of the black van, unaware of the door slide open, she only saw a hand reach out and grab onto her arm, and pulled her towards the van. She screamed. "Tamaki!" She shouted out in fear, tears welling up in her eyes, and she turned her head and seeing Tamaki run up to her, but she lost sight of him as she was pulled into the van, and the door was slid shut, she felt her cell phone fall out if her pocket.

"Get your hands off me!" She screamed, her voice shaking, and trying to pull away from her attacker, she felt a cloth get pushed over her mouth and nose she didn't breath in, common sense screaming DON'T BREATH IN!

Her attackers obviously knew she was holding her breath. Since one punched her in the stomach, she breathed in in pain, and suddenly she felt light headed, unwillingly, she took another breath, and soon, she passed out.

~Kyoya's POV 3rd person~

Kyoya was calmly sitting at a table writing in a small notebook, he had sent Tamaki out earlier to ask Kazu what was wrong. He knew that Tamaki wouldn't give up. He looked up as the door was slammed open, everyone else looked at it too, Tamaki was standing there, out of breath and his eyes wide and worried.

"Tamaki-senpai, What it it?" Haruhi asked.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, boss." Koaru said.

Tamaki didn't look at either of them, he just looked straight at Kyoya, "Kazu's been kidnapped!" He exclaimed. Then he started to ramble on about a black van and her being pulled into it and it driving off.

"Wait, boss, calm down." Hikaru said. "What's this about Kazu being kidnapped."

Tamaki looked at the twins and took a deep breath. "Kazu and I were taking a walk and talking. Kyoya asked me to ask her if she was okay. But when I did she ran off and right towards a black van. Some guy reached out and grabbed onto her arm, and pulled her into the van."

"Why would anyone Kidnap Ka-chan?" Honey asked.

"And why did you call him a she?" Hikaru asked.

"Are you all idiots? Then again, you guys didn't know Haruhi was a girl until she showed it." Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "Kazu is biologically a girl."

"And who else knew?" Koaru asked.

"Only Tamaki and I knew until now." Kyoya said.

The others looked at each other. "What are we waiting for, let's go find Ka-chan!" Honey exclaimed.

"Yeah." Mori said.

Kyoya looked at Tamaki, his expression serious, "Tamaki, which way did the van go?" He asked.

"It went west."

"That's towards an abandoned warehouse!" Haruhi started. "Misuzu told me when she was giving me directions!"

"Then that's where we're heading!" Tamakibsaid, they all rushed out the door and ran west.

"You know what I just realized." Koaru said, "Kazu has been staying at Kyoya's cottage." He said.

"Oh right!" Hikaru said, "Who knows what could of happened in that cottage. For all we know they could of stayed in the same room. Slept in the same bed."

"Don't say such things!" Tamaki shouted, "My daughter would never-"

"There was no way I was letting her sleep on the couch, and the other's rooms were locked." Kyoya said.

"Kyoya!" Tamaki shouted. "How dare you sleep in the same bed as my daughter!"

"Tamaki. Be quiet." Haruhi said.

They ran in silence, hoping to get to the warehouse before it's too late.

~Kazu's POV, 3rd person~

Kazu woke up a while later, she was tied up, her hands held behind her by some ropes, and there was some cloth in her mouth. She shivered, a cold breeze going over her. She looked down and blushed madly. She was left in only her clothing and underwear.

Those sickos undressed me! Kazu thought. She looked around, she saw that she was in an abandoned warehouse, but there were no Windows in the room she was in. She heard footsteps and she held back some tears. The door opened and Kazu saw a tall lanky guy walk in.

"Oh, your awake, dear Yuki~" He said. "Now the fun can begin. You'd better be quiet if you want to live." He pulled out a knife and placed it on her stomach, Kazu shook madly, though she tried not to make a noise.

"The others wanted to straight up do you. But me, I like to tease my prey." He smiled and pressed the knife harder against her stomach, drawing some blood. She winced in pain, feeling a trickle of blood run down. "But you're not any prey, now are you? You're famous pray. No doubt those rich boys will be looking for you." He laughed, "Rich kids don't know jack shit about the real world." He pushed the knife deeper into her stomach.

He's wrong. He doesn't know Honey and Mori are marital arts masters, or the twins would risk their lives for their friends. Or how Tamaki's plans always work. Or how Kyoya could track anyone down. Kazu thought as he dragged the knife across her stomach, drawing even more blood. She pulled back, making an attempt to punch or kick him, earning a punch in the breasts. She made a muffled shout of pain, tears falling down her cheeks.

"You'll pay for that." The man growled. Putting the knife up to her stomach again, making another cut, she tensed up and felt more blood run down to the wooden ground.

~Kyoya's POV, 3rd person~

The club finally came across the warehouse. It was abandoned, but big.

"Haruhi, I want you to stay back." Tamaki said.

"What?!" Haruhi exclaimed, "Why?"

"It will be dangerous." Tamaki turned and looked at her, "I don't want you getting hurt."

Kyoya perked up as he heard a scream. The others heard it too, they looked at each other and nodded, heading into the warehouse.

~Kazu's POV, 3rd person~

Kazu was shaking on the floor, blood and her cuts stung. The man was laughing.

"My dear Yuki-" He said. He stopped talking when he heard shouts.

Kazu's eyes widened, she recognized that shout as Tamaki's. She smiled and looked up at her attacker, "I knew they would come." She whispered, then she passed out.

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