Chapter 19

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A couple days later, Kazu was calmly sitting at home, Kyoya and Tamaki persuaded her to take the week off. Kazu didn't need the whole week off, but Kyoya said he would tell the rest of the club her secret if she went to school any time before next Monday. Kazu could talk perfectly fine now, and the mark on her neck has almost completely faded. It was now Saturday, and Kazu was laying on her bed, calmly reading a book.

Then she heard a commotion outside. She looked out the window, seeing a couple limos parked in front of the complex, she saw a couple boys walk out out of the limos. All too familiar boys.

Why am I not surprised? Kazu thought, closing her blinds. I'm not going to be dragged into this. But I can still watch. She opened them slightly and watched the club talk and Tamaki freak out.

Then she smiled slightly as she watched as Kyoya led the twins away, then as Tamaki called them back.

Kazu watched as Haruhi walked up to the club, irritated. Then as they turned around shocked. And as Tamaki flirted with the land lady, who blushed and seemed to offer something. Kazu watched as Haruhi led them up the stairs and they walked inside her apartment.

I wonder why none if them contacted me about this. Kazu thought. Oh wait. I never gave any of them my cell number wait. No the twins have it. Kazu couldn't help but feel relived that the two forgot to call her. But she just hoped the host club didn't see her.

After a small while, Kazu heard voices and looked back out the blinds. She saw the host club walk out, all except Haruhi and Tamaki.

She then saw Haruhi's dad, Ranka walk up the stairs, and inside the apartment, soon hearing a loud crash. Ranka found Tamaki~ Kazu thought, smiling.

She watched as the twins walked in, then she drew the blinds back, and picked up her book, and started to read again. Until she heard a knock at the door.

"Oh Kazu! My daughter has some friends over, and I thought you may want to meet them!" Ranka shouted out through the door.

Kazu knew Haruhi's father. She's been helping him with stuff for the past week. From helping tidy the apartment to picking up some groceries when he was working his shift at the bar. Though she was still surprised Haruhi was unaware that she only lived a couple doors down. And Ranka still doesn't know that Kazu went to the same school as Haruhi.

Kazu opened the door, "It would be a pleasure." Kazu said, smiling sweetly. Ranka'll find out soon enough.

Kazu followed Ranka to the Fujioka apartment. And she peered into the apartment after Ranka walked in.

"Hey Haruhi! I want you to meet the boy who moved in next door at the beginning of the year!" Ranka said.

Kazu stepped forward and looked at everyone's shocked faced. She couldn't hide her laughter, and she burst out laughing, shocking them even more.

"Kazu?" Haruhi asked.

"You already know Kazu?" Ranka asked.

Kazu turned to look at Ranka, "I'm sorry I haven't told you yet, Mr. Fujioka. I go to the same school as you daughter. Ouran Academy. I'm actually in the same club. I was going to tell you, but it must of slipped my mind while I was helping you."

"Well. That's shocking." He said, "anyways, would you like to stay, since you're here already?"

"I would love too." Kazu said. She knelt down beside Kyoya, with Ranka on the other side of him. And joined the rest of the club. They started to talk, it seems they had just sat down.

"I get it, you must be the host club I've heard so much about." Ranka said, "You certainly are a fine looking bunch of young men. I'm not sure which if you I like best! What about you, dear?" He looked at the others, not giving Haruhi a chance to respond, "I'll tell you what. Why don't you boys go ahead and call me Ranka. That's the professional name I use at the transvestite bar I work at."

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