Chapter 3

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When Kazu walked into the classroom the next day, she noticed some girls from across the room stare at her, and when she locked her dead-eyed gaze with some if their lively ones, the girls seemed to fan girl.

Don't they have a host club here? Why not fan girl over those guys. I bet there's at least one or two in this room. Maybe even three. Kazu sighed. She slid into her seat, feeling two pairs of eyes bore down onto her. She glanced back to see both of the twins looking at her. They can't be thinking she's still a commoner, she did get the uniform today, the boys uniform to be exact, there was no way she was going to school looking like a puffed up yellow marshmallow.

Their gazes were not judging, but they were both smiling menacingly. Nothing good can come out of this.

Kazu sat through another dull lesson, resisting the temptation to just take out a book and read. Once the lesson was finally over, the teachers switched and the new one started another dull lesson.

Finally the lesson was over and it was time for lunch. She headed to the lunch room, holding a bag full of food. She didn't want to blow money on the school food when she had enough to make her own lunch at her apartment.

She sat down in the table nearest to the door and opened her bag, then she started to eat. Suddenly she felt multiple pairs of eyes and she looked up, she again saw girls watching her. She was confused as to why they did so. Was she seriously that interesting?

She then saw two shadows tower over her and she turned around, looking at the two pairs of Amber eyes staring down at her.

"You two want something?" She asked.

"Well, we've been watching you." Softer voice said.

"And we were wondering." Deeper voice continued.

"If you wanted to join the host club." They both finished.

Kazu looked up at them, "No." She said, the two looked at her, their faces in utter shock.

"Who wouldn't want to join the host club?" Deeper voice asked. "You'd be perfect for it. You got the looks, and the girls are already fawning over you."

"I said no." Kazu said, her voice sounded a tiny bit deadlier.

The two looked at each other, "Plan B?" Softer voice asked.

"Plan B." Deeper voice confirmed.

Kazu looked at the two confused, then she yelped in surprise as the two grabbed onto her arms and started to drag her out of the lunch room.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She shouted out, struggling to get away from the two twins.

"If you won't join the host club on your own," Deeper voice started.

"Than we'll get you to join it by force." Softer voice finished.

Kazu sighed and stopped struggling, knowing she wasn't going to get out of their grip. She let them drag her through the halls, she saw the arched windows from the day before, and she concluded as she watched the Windows passed by that she was going to music room three.

Soon, she was in the music room, and the twins let go of her, Kazu just laid on the ground. She started up at the ceiling, not wanting to get up. She soon heard footsteps walk towards her.

"Welcome, my young man!" A blond boy with unnatural indigo eyes was standing over Kazu, looking down at her. "I assume you're our new host?"

"Look, blondie, I don't want to be here, let alone be a host against my will, so I'm just going to leave." She stood up and turned around as he went into a small gloom corner, and started to head out, only to have someone grab a hold of her shirt. She looked back to see a expressionless face staring back at her. She just started back with the same emotionless face she has held for the past couple weeks.

"Would you mind putting me down?" She asked. "I promise I won't run. Something tells me that you won't let me."

Emotionless put Kazu down, once she felt him let go, she turned and faced everyone, let's see. We have Deep voice, Soft voice, expressionless, blond idiot, shorter cuter blond, and glasses boy, most likely demonic from how he's smiling. She observed the people standing in front of her.

"Welcome to the Ouran Host club!" The blond idiot started, he seemed to of forgotten the earlier exchange where she had told him she didn't want to join. Or he was trying to start over the conversation. "You must be Kazu Nikima!"

Kazu didn't respond, and just watched the idiot make the scene.

"So, the new student is a silent one, isn't he, just like our honor student."

He said some other stuff, but Kazu tuned him out, until he handed her a chestless costume.

"What are you waiting for?" Blondie said. "Get into your costume!"

"Costume?" Kazu asked.

"Didn't you hear me?" Blondie asked, "You are the newest host."

"When did I ever agree to being a host?" She asked. She turned around as the brown haired boy that sat behind her burst through the door. She must admit, without the glasses, neater hair, and the uniform, he looked quite cute. Blondie seemed to have his attention taken off of Kazu and put onto the boy, along with the rest of the club. Using this moment, she past the two and headed out. There is no way I'm joining the stupid host club.

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