Chapter 21

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As Kazu was sitting at the table, reading and drinking her tea, she didn't notice any one walk up to the table.

"Mind if I sit here?" Kyoya asked.

"Not at all." Kazu said, not looking up from her book.

"Not joining in in the competition?" Kyoya asked.

"No. I think it's ridiculous. Besides, I could probably just get a room at a hotel or motel nearby." Kazu placed her book down on the table.

"You don't have a cottage here?"

"No, should I?"

"Well, I assumed you did."

"Well I don't. So, I'm going to be staying at a motel."

"I don't think you should." Kyoya said. "I've noticed how you act when you think you're alone."

"Have you been stalking me?!" Kazu asked.

"No, I haven't." Kyoya said, a tiny bit annoyed, and looking up from what he was writing. "I sometimes see you walking home from school. You seemed very skittish, looking around wildly. I'm assuming you're hiding something, but I can tell you're very frightened. We all can."

Kazu didn't respond immediately, she just grabbed her cup and took a sip. "Then what do you say I do? I can't necessarily go back to my apartment from here." Kazu said sharply.

"You can stay with me in my cottage." Kyoya said simply.

"I-I couldn't." She said, a blushing quickly rising to her cheeks. "I swear I'll be fine with a hotel or something." Kazu said.

"Kyoya-senpai." Haruhi said, walking up to them, "And Kazu, you're keeping your distance from all this."

"Of course." Kyoya responded. "Winning means I'd end up staying here alone. Which frankly doesn't appeal to me. I'll just sit back and watch things unfold, then head to the cottage."

"The cottage? You mean, you're family's?" Haruhi asked.

"That's right, all have one in the area. Well, all of us except Kazu."

"Then what are you going to do, Kazu?" Haruhi asked, "You doesn't seem interested in the competition either."

"I'm going to stay at a ho-" Kazu was cut off by Kyoya.

"He'll be staying with me at my cottage." Kyoya said simply.

"Well that's nice of you, senpai." Haruhi said, surprise in her voice.

Kazu just sat in silence, staring down at her hands and trying not to blush, now that Kyoya mentioned it to Haruhi, there was no way she was going to be checking in a hotel.

"So, who do you favor to win? There must be someone you have in mind, do you care to bet?" Kyoya asked Haruhi, changing the subject.

"Mm, no thanks." Haruhi replied. "I don't have a clue."

"Really? It's easy enough to tell at a glance." Kyoya said, putting his hand to his chin. "Honey-senpai's brand of cute doesn't quite fit Misuzu's notion of refreshing. So I'm afraid he's out. Tamaki comes a little closer to the ideal, provided he keeps his mouth shut. But we both know the end of that." He looked thoughtful, "Ordinarily, you'd figure Hikaru and Koaru. Then again, seems we have a dark horse." Kyoya was looked at something in the the yard, Kazu followed his glance and blushed when she saw Mori shirtless chopping up some fire wood.

"That's twenty more refresher points to Mori!" Misuzu chimed.

"So then you think he's the one?" Haruhi asked.

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