Chapter 25

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~Kyoya's POV, 3rd person~

The club fanned out around the warehouse, The twins took the first floor, Mori and Honey took the second floor, and Tamaki and Kyoya took the third.

Kyoya was looking around when he saw a door slightly open, he slowly walked towards it and noticed two men standing on each side, they must of been oblivious, since they hadn't seen Kyoya yet.

Silently and slowly, he walked over to where Tamaki was. He waved him towards the stairs and they knelt down.

"I found the room Kazu is in. There are two men standing on each side of a door. We'll need the rest of the club just in case." He said.

Tamaki nodded and they both went down the stairs. Kyoya found Honey and Mori, telling the two the situation, they both hurried upstairs, meeting up with Tamaki and and the twins. They all stood in front of the two guards, who finally noticed them and stood defensive.

"We know you have Kazu!" Tamaki shouted. "Let her go immediately!"

"Why should we listen to some pretty boys like you?" One of them asked. "The girl is with us now. Though she's not talking, I bet she'll be begging to be let go any time now."

The twins both stepped forward.

"You should be ashamed." Hikaru said.

"Kidnapping a girl? Torturing her?" Koaru asked.

"That's just wrong!" They exclaimed, they jumped at the thugs and fought, Kyoya felt Tamaki place a hand on his arm.

"You want to go get her." He said, " Let's go. They'll hold the guards off." He said.

Kyoya nodded and smiled, the two ran past the guards and into the room.

Kyoya's eyes widened at what he saw. Kazu was on the ground, knife cuts and blood all over it, she was laying on the ground, passed out, most likely from blood loss. Behind her stood a man, he was tall and lanky, he was smiling.

"Welcome!" He said.

Tamaki growled and tackled the man, they both fought each other on the ground, Kyoya took the moment to find a towel and wrap it around Kazu, he watched as it soaked up blood. He picked up her limp, but warm body and turned to leave, "I've got her Tamaki, let's get going."

Tamaki stopped attacking and pulled away from the man, he walked towards the door and past Kyoya, who turned around and looked at the man.

"You should probably stay here. My family's police force will be here in a while. If you even dare to escape, you will be tracked down every moment of everyday. So I suggest you just sit tight." He walked out of the room, and saw everyone else in a group talking, they stopped when they saw Kyoya, then they looked at Kazu.

"One of you, call an ambulance." Kyoya said.

They nodded and Tamaki quickly whipped out his phone, and dialed 911.

Later Kazu was being rushed to the hospital. Kyoya was sitting in the ambulance along with her, his family owned the hospital they were heading to, so he made sure he would ride along with her. Kyoya was standing in the ambulance, holding her hand on the opposite side of the workers.

Kyoya watched as Kazu breath in and out just as if she was asleep.

When they finally got to the hospital, Kyoya stepped out and walked alongside Kazu until the nurses told him he needed to stay in the waiting room. He made them promise that they'll get him as soon a he can see her.

Kyoya sat in the waiting room, his foot tapping as he started into space. He looked up as the other hosts walked in, they rushed over to Kyoya.

"How is she?" Tamaki asked.

"She was breathing normally the last time I saw her, she doesn't seem to be in critical condition." Kyoya said, all the hosts smiled. Though they were all still worried.

After a couple hours of waiting, a nurse finally walked out. She spotted Kyoya.

"You can visit her now, Mr. Ootori." She said, smiling, "She's woken up. Though she can only handle one person per time."

Kyoya stood up, and followed the nurse to a room. He walked in, seeing Kazu laying down in the hospital bed. He walked up next to her bed and she looked over at him and smiled.

"Hey... Kyoya." She said, her voice almost a whisper.

"Kazu." He said. "You're an idiot."

Kazu looked at him, surprised, "I... I'm sorry." She said. "I shouldn't of ran away from Tamaki. I am an idiot."

Kyoya bent down and hugged her, making sure to be careful of her cuts. "Kazu. Please, if you're ever scared again, don't go through it alone."

"Kyoya..." Kazu started. She slowly wrapped her arms around him, "I love you too." She whispered.

Kyoya's eyes widened, he blushed and gently laid Kazu back down, "You need to rest." He said.

Kazu tried to protest, but her eyes started to close, and she soon fell asleep.

Kyoya walked out to the waiting room, "She's resting. She'll be better tomorrow." He said, smiling.

~Kazu's POV, 3rd person~

Two or three weeks later Kazu was released from the hospital, and she headed home with the rest of the host club, who were all happy to see her well.

Once they got back, Kazu was sitting in Kyoya's limo, sitting next to him, their arms brushing against each other. She noticed that the limo wasn't heading. To her house.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"We're heading to my house I don't want you to be staying in your apartment alone."

"But I live close to Haruhi! And the kidnappers are gone!"

Kyoya looked at her. "Kazu. I can't risk looking you again."

Kazu felt a soft blush rise on her cheeks.

"You're staying with me until future notice. No arguments."

Kazu smiled softly. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, "Thank you... Kyoya. I love you."

________________ ________________

Me: Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed! The story is finally done-

Kazu: Hey wait! You can't end it like this!

Me: What the hell are you doing here, Kazu?!

Kazu: Dimi brought me.

Dimi: Yo.

Me: You're supposed to be dead Dimi!

Kazu: Anyways, What about me and Kyoya?!

Me: *sighs* Kazu. I'll get to it-

Kazu: But what about him asking- *muffled noises*

Me: Kazu! Shush! It's a surprise for the readers! Anyways, before Kazu here spoils anything more! See ya Sinners!!!

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