Chapter 2

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I walked up to Claria’s house, well castle she was technically our princess. The princess of magic, she has blonde streaks in her light brown hair that slightly covered her right eye. I showed up at the underground door which only Claria and I know about. She is the same age as me but she is way stronger and prettier. I am just a short fifteen year old with long hair with blue wavy streaks. I'm not pretty, most people judge me on my looks but when I get to know them it either goes downhill and we hate each other for life or like Scar and I the relationship takes off.

“CLARIA are you there?” I called up the stairs.

“In the library!” she shouted back. I ran up the stairs and took her awesome slide down to her secret library.

“There you are!” she told me holding a few books. I heard another knock and saw Poraque at the front door on the screen.

“Come on in!” Claria shouted into a voice thingy.

“Thanks Claria!” Poraque yelled. Poraque was very shy he had blonde hair and was very nervous around girls which was weird because we were his only, and I mean only friends. We always call him Po because it’s too long to say Poraque.

“Hey Po we are in the 2nd library.” She told him with a smile.

“Coming down!” he yelled well going down the slide. He hit the ground with a large bang.

“OW!” He said getting up with a bump on his head. He went head first down so he must have hit his big head on something. Po is a scientist like me but he's a little better. Po saw a book he wanted and reached to grab it when Claria's dog, Lilac jumped on him knocking him to the ground.

“AH!” he screamed. I watched as Lilac licked his whole face well he struggled to get up. We both laughed at him. He was laughing too, we helped him up.

“So what book did you want to get?” I asked with a grin.

“Wait, when did you get here Shelly?” Po asked me.

“A few minutes ago why do you ask?” I said knowing he wanted to talk to Claria alone.

“Never mind I don't care, so where’s Scar?”

“He's helping make dinner if you guys want you can come over.” I said knowing what they would say.

“Wait whose cooking?” they asked in synch.

“My mom.”

“Maybe we can walk you home and stay over.” they said. My mom is the best cook ever, we always have the best chicken and rice salad with steak. They always love coming over and eating. I always have to tell them to leave some food to take home but they never listen.

“We leave at six sharp then.” I told them happily. We have about an hour till then.

“Wait are Claria do you want to stay over tonight?”

“Wait one minute is Amie going?”

Claria and Amie had always hated each other since the first day they met. They have always despised each other and will probably never get along but it's really funny to watch them fight they won't hurt each other as long as I'm around I had invited Amie over but won't dare to tell either of them that the other is coming over I love torturing them like this it's funny and in the end we all end up laughing.

“No she's not coming tonight she came over last night.” I replied.

“I bet you she’s going to be there wanna bet!” she asked me. I actually have the rule over this because I can just tell Amie not to come.

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