Chapter 3

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We all walked back to my castle and went into the dining room. I got a plate and went to the buffet, I can't wait to dig in. I sat down near Ishi and gave him a hug.

“Haven't seen you in a while Ishi!” I tell him hugging him even tighter.

“Uh- let- go- can't- breath-!”


“I can't wait till we have sibling day!”

“Me either little bro!” I say giving him a noogie.

“I wish I had a little brother like that!” Po tells us. “Instead I have a brother who I hate and is never here, so I'm happy!”

I look at him and Claria looks at me.

“One minute I’ll be back.” I stand up and walk to the bathroom in which I cried when Ds left. This time I'm in here because of the same thing. I burst out in tears ruining my mascara I hear a knock on the door and know it's Ishi.

“I’ll be out in a minute I just need some alone time.”

“I don't care sis I'm coming in.” he said. I really admire his confidence. He walked in the room and hugged me tight.

“I love you sis.”

“I love you too.” I replied. He let go and cleaned my face. I looked like nothing ever happened after he was done.

“How do you know how to do make up so well?” I asked laughing.

“Let's just say Riley's REALLY lazy.”

“We all know that though, come on lets go.”

We walked back to the dining room and I sat down.

“Are you ok?” Claria asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” I told her. After we had dinner we watched some shows then went to bed. Claria and I took my bed room and Po went with Ishi.

“So what happened with Ds?” she asked throwing a pillow at me.

“Nothing much we talk and I told him about the flower. OH WAIT WHERES THE CLONE!” I screamed after the realization that I haven't seen the clone since the creation.

“Scar probably tied him up and put him in a closet somewhere. Don't worry.” she said. I had to call Scar I grabbed my monitor and dialed room 16.

“SCAR WHERES THE CLONE!!” I screamed. I started to hear laughing in the background and I could tell it wasn't Scars. I put the monitor on my computer. The laughing continued. I watched as I used my screen to look around the room I looked in the corner and there he was, Scar, my Scar. He was gaged and tied up. I couldn't believe the dark clone had taken Scar and was about to kill him. I showed Claria and I shut my monitor off. We quietly sneaked down the hall careful to not make any loud noises. I pointed to the door which was Scars room. We quickly went invisible and teleported inside the room. I could have killed the clone right then and there but I couldn't because I didn't know what would happen to Scar if I killed the clone. It might kill him so we didn't dare move a mussel. I picked up a small globe and turned it invisible so Scar would see us. He did. I saw the clone pace around the room and right when he turned around Scar made himself invisible and teleported next to us still tied up but the chair was invisible too. Claria and I untied him quickly then teleported back into my room. I was really scared.

“Scar what happened?” I said giving him a hug. Claria was already summoning Po and Ishi and my sisters all to my room and she even called Amie. They all teleported in and we turned of our invisibility. They all teleported in besides Ishi who was too young so Po had to hold on to him.

“You guys know about the flower I made today?” I asked them. “Well that flower had taken out all of the dark inside Scar and made another body with it.” I told them trying not to freak out.

“Now this clone is trying to kill us but I'm not sure how we can defeat them.” I said finishing up the story. Everybody looked at me frightened.

“How are we going to defeat him?” Ishi asked trying to be brave.

“Well, I don't want you getting hurt so you and Riley have to stay here and guard the castle and tell mom. We have to talk on the monitor every night though so we make sure that everyone’s okay.” I told him. I gave him a hug and sent Ishi and Riley out. Fellenine has to stay with us though because she is older than us. I hear a light knock on the door and Scar's older sister steps in.

“I heard that you children need some help defeating somebody and I’m joining.” She told us. We actually still don't know her name so we either say Scar's sister and her. I think Scar was the most surprised that she wanted to join us.

“Uh ok?” I told her guessing.

“Wait who's the leader of the gang?” She asked and everyone pointed at me and I just stared at them surprised. I couldn't believe that they made me the leader it's usually Po or Scar who takes the lead.

“Shelly you know most about the flower so we will let you lead.” Po told me. They all could tell I was really surprised even Scar's sister.

“I need a second in commanded.” I told everyone. “Claria wanna be the go to girl on our mission?” I told her winking.

“I'd be delighted!” She said sarcastically bowing. We both giggled and then we had to decide jobs. Po was our go to weapon man. Claria had TUNS of armor. Scar's sister brought over potions and a random frying pan which we decided not to question her about. I brought all of the food and we didn't need water because we had me. Fellenine brought us all horses. (Just in case we had to leave quickly.) Amie brought a backpack with an emergency kit with healing stuff. Scar brought 100 energy pills and 100 survival pills. After that we packed up our stuff and put it in the coroner of the room. I grabbed my monitor and dialed Scar's room. The good thing about the monitor was we could see him but he couldn't see us. I turned the monitor on.

“WHERE DID YOU GO!” was the loud yelling of the clone. He couldn't know we were all safe and we had to have somebody on the inside. I tuned on the mute button.

“Who would like to be our inside spy?” I said grinning. Everybody looked at each other and then looked at Claria.

“WHY ME!” she yelled angrily. We all stared at her with puppy dog eyes.

“Fine.” she said sadly.

“Ok here’s the plan. Claria you have to be kidnapped by the clone and I know where he will take you here’s you monitor put it in your pocket and tell us which cell he puts you in just say it, it will be on the whole time here.” I put a flash drive in her pocket. It wasn't really a flash drive it was a tracker. The good thing was that we could also hear what she could hear. I hoped it worked.

“Got it? Also speak loudly I said dropping the flash drive in her pocket.

“Yes ma'am.” She said grinning. I gave her a hug and she walked out the door. I hooked up the monitor to the flash drive a month ago and downloaded it to my computer. I turned it on. Immediately I saw the dot move where the flash drive was. I learned this technique from Ds. I was happy he taught me because I knew would use it someday. We all watched as Claria approached the room. She looked really scared. I felt bad for her but knew that something had to be done. As she opened the door a hand grabbed her and she was gone in a flash.

“WHERE DID SHE GO?!” Po screamed at me.

“Calm down we'll find her they probably just teleported.” I said trying not to act worried. I just hoped that the flash drive teleported with her. I brought up the map of the SD and saw the flash drive blinking I zoomed in and saw Claria tied up with the Clone's back to her.

“Well look who showed up!” the clone said turning to face Claria. I knew he thought it was me because when he turned around he almost fell down.

“NO, NO, NO, I WANTED SHELLY NOT YOU!” He screamed at her.

“You will never find Shelly!” she replied defiantly.

“Oh but I will.” he said holding a sword up to her neck. I couldn't think I knew where they were but I felt someone grab my arm. I jumped. It was Po. I turned around saw a fist flying at my face I felt something whack into me then everything went black.

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