Chapter 10

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I sit on the ground crying knowing I might never see Scar again.

“He's gone forever isn't he?” I said wiping up my tears. Claria sat down next to me still stunned to talk.

“How did you know it was him?” She finally asked.

“Scar usually asks me or looks down at my hand or does something to say “can I?”” I told her sadly.

“Where do you think Scar would be?” She asked me.

“Well he usually hides in the field when somethings wrong so He would probably be there, but something tells me that when we go the Clone won't be alone he will probably have an army on his side.” I told her trying to calm down.

“Well we also have an army!” She told me grabbing my hand to help me up. I stood up shakily holding on tot her hand. I was so in shock about what had happened I almost fell over.

Ds I think Shelly needs you she's not doing well.” Po whispered to Ds thinking I couldn't hear them.

She can come to me if she needs any help I just hope she knows I still care about her even if she is with Scar.” Replied Ds shrugging. I want to tell him that I care for him, but then everything would be awkward because i'm with Scar not Ds. The voice came into my head again.

“You can only choose one.” It told me.

“Well lets get our gear ready everyone,” I said grabbing my backpack. “we have a Clone to beat!”


I ran into Ishi on the way to the armory.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” He asked me.

“I'm going to tell you this once and only once Ishi. If you and Riley want to come with us to the battle you have to be only messengers you CAN NOT go into battle unless they come after you first, then I give you permission, but you must and I mean it Ishi stay out of the battle zone OK?” I asked him worrying for him.

“Yes Shelly i'll go tell Riley now!” He said running off. I ran into my room and picked my flower off of my desk. I grabbed my ring and shoved a one of the pedals in the tiny compartment in the back. I felt a jolt and something started to make me angry with Claria. I immediately shook it off. I put the ring on scooped up potions, my monitor, my charm bracelet that Ds gave me for my birthday, and I grabbed a few health smoothies that I quickly shoved into my purse and ran out of my room. I had to meet everybody outside at Claria's house in a hour. I picked up my monitor and called Ishi and my sisters.

“You better be ready in an hour. Fellenine bring lots of invisible armor. Riley get down to the stalls and get the horses put them in your charm bracelet, so we can pack them and we don't have to worry about them getting hurt. Ishi I want you to bring healing supplies, but remember don't bring anything Ds already has go into his mind and ask before ok?” I asked quickly.

“YES MA'AM!” They said happily rushing off. I shut my monitor off and grabbed a pen and some paper. I wasn't sure I would be coming back so I wrote a little note to Ishi, Claria, Po, Scar (if he came back) and Ds.

I just want you all to know no matter what happened I am still with you and always will be I love you all. Fellenine take care of Ishi and Riley. Riley trust me you will find someone who appreciates you no matter how you look. Ishi I will check up on you. Make sure you all are okay. Claria you where my best friend since 5th grade when I had no friends thanks for everything. Ds I will miss you and try to visit you. Po you better take care of Claria or I will have to haunt you. Scar you are so many things to me, my boyfriend, my lab partner, and most of all one of my best friends. Thank you all for what you gave to me and I hope one day I can return the favor. I want you never to give up and always support each other even if we don't make it out of this battle.

Thanks for helping me see when I was blind,

Shellithia Sothindeio

I left the note pinned to my bed room wall. I looked back and I could feel someone was watching me and I knew it was my dark side. Everyone has one but I can always feel mines presents.


I walked out of my house with Fellenine, Riley and Ishi behind me. We all walked over to Claria's house. On the way we meet Scar's sister who told us her name.

“I haven't told you my name yet have I?” She asked us curiously. “Well my name is Rowan.”

“Rowan hm nice name,” I told her grinning. “Well i'm actually Shellithia Sothindeio. Nobody calls me Shellithia though and Shelly's easier to say. She reached out her hand and we shook.

“Come on lets get a move on.” Said Fellenine tapping her foot.

“Okay okay okay.” I said holding up my hands. When we arrived we sat in Claria's yard until she answered her door.

“Come on in. We are being fallowed so act normal.” She told us in a whisper.

We sat down in her long room. Which is a long room with nothing in it.

“Po and Ds are still at their house. The time is running out though and we only have about 10 minutes before the clone reaches us so we better be ready.” She told us.

“One sec i'll see whats happened to Po and Ds.” Ishi sat down on the ground with his legs crossed. He slowly rises in the air. After a minute he floated down.

“They are almost here.” He told us.

“Good.” Claria said.

“Let's sort though the stuff to see what we need, Riley has her horses on her bracelet and I have some armor.” Said Fellenine. I took out my backpack and dumped the contents on the floor.

“This is all I have.” I told them sadly. Something caught my eye. I couldn't help but look at my ring. The ring was sparkling a little. I couldn't believe it, the ring was actually alive when I had killed it? I grabbed my potions and put a health one in my pocket.

“Ok everyone take one of these,” I said handing the potions out. “and put them in your pocket. Also, Take one of the invisibility and two of the blood loss potions.” I told them pointing to each one. I had a few more in my bag, so I didn't need anymore.

“Hey you guys here?” A voice called out on the monitor. It was Po and Ds. Claria spoke quietly in to the monitor and unlocked the door. The two boys came into the room silently. Po sat down next to Claria and Ds walked over to me and sat down.

“So what's the plan?”

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