Chapter 18

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 “Shelly?” Asks Scar as he walks into my parents room. I knew he would be the first one to find me. I looked at him waiting for him to say something. He walked over to me and sat down on the bed.

“It will be ok.” He told me using a soft voice. He kissed me on the check and then left.


I am now watching myself. I am floating up in the air seeing myself walk outside and go down to the river. I had always loved that river. My clone used her powers to lift some of the water out of the river. She was also sad. I guess she could also feel my emotions. I watched her take of the bracelet Ds gave me and throw it into the river. I regained my body and felt a pain in my chest. I see the bracelet floating in the river and quickly lifted the bracelet and the water with it and froze it making the bracelet harden within the ice. I then threw the ice block into the river and watched it sink. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore I let them fall into the river. I feel a little bit of water on my shoulder and look up to see it snowing. I immediately freeze my tears turning them into snow. I am so happy I haven't seen snow for such a long time. I freeze the river and happily sit down on the nice cool ice. I quickly make water skates and slide across the ice. I haven't felt this happy since a long time ago before my dad left, or got kidnapped. I was so happy! I started giggling. I slid across the ice, but lose my footing and fall. I see more snow starting to fall. I am happy it is the light fluffy snow. I turn the skates back into water and let them go back into the water. I sit on the edge of the bank and tilt my head back and let the beautiful snowflakes fall down onto my face. I hear giggling and see a little girl with dark brown and blue hair smiling and jumping in the snow with a little boy with black and red hair. Watching the little girl. They both looked so happy. I then realized that the girl and the boy was Ds and I when we where in middle school. I then see Claria running around as Po tried to melt the snowflakes. I laughed as Po fell in the snow. Claria threw a snowball at him and we got into a snowball fight. I laughed as I saw the younger me try to make a snow ball with my powers. She finally made one and threw it at the back of young Ds's head. It fell down his shirt and he tackled the younger version of me. They rolled down the hill together and that was where we had our first kiss. Two twelve year olds kissing in the snow. Then they vanished.

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