Chapter 7

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“I knew you would wake up. I could tell you would be worried about Ishi I know how much he means to you. If you want I can help you find him but I don't think Scar would like that.” He said sadly.

“I just thought that I should, you know, find someone new sense you left for your job. I understand if you feel angry, I would too but, we have to just stop.” I said feeling like I was about to cry.

“Yeah it's ok Shelly. We have to focus on the task ahead not about our past.” He said getting up. “But if you ever need me just call I will always try to answer.” He patted me on the shoulder then left.


I woke up the next morning with Ishi in my bed. He usually will wake me up when he's scared but tonight I guess he wanted to let me sleep.

“Ishi are you awake?” I said softly. He groaned then rolled over to face me.

“I had a bad dream,” He told me almost in tears. “It was when dad left. Then it turned into the cloned Scar and h-he k-kil-lled you.” He said bursting out in tears. I garbed his hand and pulled him onto my lap.

“I will never leave you Ishi, never.” I said trying to calm him down. I felt bad after saying that because I will probably die before him.

“Is mom home or did she leave again?” I asked him wiping his tears away.

“She's gone she left at two in the morning. I had just came in.”

“Why did you stay out so late though?” I asked worryingly.

“I had trouble at school so I had to go for practice till six then some bullies held me up and locked me in the school and left,” He told me grinning. “but, I found out my power today! I can control the land like I can grow trees and shift the ground to where I want it!” He said really happily. He got off my lap and pocked Claria's shoulder.

“CLARIA I FOUND MY POWER!” He screamed at her. Claria jumped up and pulled out her knife.

“Oh my god Ishi you scared me,” She told him hyperventilating. “so what is your power?”

“Watch!” He told us staring at a plant in my room. He used his hands and clenched them at the plant and closed his eyes. The plant started to bloom. I was really impressed. He then stopped and let go panting.

“You know what this means don't you Ishi,” I asked him. “It means that if we work together we can create a world!” I said scooping him up. I knew it wasn't possible because we needed a lot of other stuff too but it was good to say that. I got of my bed and saw a note on the table that said “to Shelly” I picked it up and saw the bad handwriting.

“Ishi did you write something?” he shook his head and sat down next to Claria.

“I know it wasn't from the boys cause they didn't come in.”

I told them. Knowing that I was lying.

“Well open it!” Ishi grabbing at letter. I held it up high so he couldn't reach it.


Dear Shelly,

I know where you are and perhaps I am watching you know I am on to you and you can't take HIM away from me he's all mine. He always will be so watch out. We will have to settle this soon and when we do watch out I will kill you.I am close to you but you won't know it's me till the end so be careful.”

I pinned Claria to the wall.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT!” I screamed at her knowing it was her who wrote the note.

“IT'S NOT ME SHELLY WHY WOULD I WANT DS OR SCAR I JUST WANT P-” she covered her mouth at the end. I let her lose and smirked at her.

“So you like the Po Po huh?” I asked chuckling.

“SO what if I do at least I don't have two crushes like someone in this room.”

“Ishi please leave Claria and I want to have a girl talk. OK?” I asked him. Immediately he left the room running.

“I DO NOT have two crushes I like D- UGH I hate when you do that FINE i'll talk.” I said sitting down on my bed.

“Yes I still like Ds and yes I like Scar in that way but I can't chose which one of them will work out the best. I have known Ds since 5th grade.” My mind sent me back to that faithful day I meet him along with Po and Claria.

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