Chapter 13

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We all went into battle. I knew what I had to do. I had to find Ishi. He wasn't in the cells with us. I was starting to get very worried. Then again Rowan wasn't there either so maybe my little brother was safe with her. I swung my sword at a dark warriors head and hit him square in the throat. Another came at me. I swung for the middle knowing he would either jump or duck. I felt my sword go inside and I pulled it out and moved on to the next target. It was a female with black and gray hair. I swung at her and she immediately dodged my sword and swung a me I blocked and kicked her in the shins causing her to fall. I took my sword and stabbed her in the chest. I suddenly felt happy for killing her and wanted to make everybody pay for what they did I wanted to KILL THEM ALL! This will be fun I thought slicing the head off another dark warrior. I then met Claria. She is going down I immediately swung at her and I just missed.

“SHELLY?” She asked. I took this opportunity to swing at her again.

“Shelly it's me Claria!” She said blocking my hits. I swung at her one more time then stopped. I summed all of my power and blasted her. She hit the wall and cried out. I jumped on her and held my sword to her neck. I then stopped. Huh. What happened I was just fighting a girl and then.

“Claria?” I asked.

“KILL ME IF YOU WANT!” She screamed at me tears coming from her checks.

“Why would I want to kill you?” Then I realized me sword was pointed at her throat and I was on top of her. I looked around to see a few warriors staring at me. I immediately got off of her.

“I'm so sorry Claria I didn't realize that. Ya we should probably go and fight.” I said cautiously. I grabbed my sword and began swinging at random peoples heads. We had knocked/killed most of this group and the others where hiding. I decided to let them live. This time. I looked down at my ring and smiled it was glowing black. I watched as I headed over to the dark shadow warriors in the corner. I knew it couldn't be me, it looked like me and talked like me.

“You want to live am I correct?” The look a like asked the dark warriors. They nodded happily. The look a like took my sword and raised it above her head.

“Who is that?” I asked Claria. She didn't answer me or move.

“Claria?” I asked again poking her. She didn't look at me I was getting really annoyed with her.

“CLARIA!” I screamed in her ear. Not even a flinch. I watched as my “clone” sliced all of the warriors heads off with one blow. WOW! She is good maybe she might want to team up with us. Claria walked up to the girl.

“Shelly why did you kill them?” She asked as Po came up from behind her.

“Shelly? Are you okay?” Po asked the girl. She spun around and Claria let out a scream as Po fell to the ground with the blade in his arm.

“PO!” Claria screamed at the girl. I felt a sharp movement and was standing in front of Claria and Po and I saw my sword inside his chest. I bent down and reached in my backpack. I pulled out a healing potion and thrust it at Claria. She took it glaring at me. She then drizzled it onto Po's wound trying to hold back her tears.

“Claria where is she?” I asked evilly taking out my sword.

“I will kill her for what she did to Po!” I said swinging my sword around. Claria looked at me stunned.

“What?” I asked looking at her.

“You did this to him Shelly like the time where you attacked me!” She said. I could tell that this wasn't going to end well.

“NO, I saw her she, she looked like me but it wasn't me!” I said letting a tear fall from my eye.

“Shelly why? That's my only question to you. Why?” She asked letting her tears fall.

“I saw her though?!” I said crying harder. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Scar with Ds slung over his shoulder. I gasped.

“DS?” I said. I chocked at Scar put him down. I saw blood streaming from his chest. I opened my back pack and dumped the content on the floor. I started crying harder as I tried to find the pills and potions. I watched as Claria looked at me with a confused look and Po was also watching me. I was happy he got better, but my focus had to be on Ds right now. I finally used a little magic to call the health potion. I grabbed it and tore of Ds's shirt. I threw it to the side and opened the potion. I shook it poring it onto Ds's wound. I grabbed one of the pills and shoved it in his mouth.

“Swallow Ds please swallow.” I said crying my eyes out. He stirred a little then opened his eye's.

“Shelly?” He said grabbing my hand. I nodded. He started to sit up, but I made him lie down again.

“Don't move the wound needs to heal.” I said to him. He looked in so much pain. I turned around to Scar drying my tears.

“What happened?” I asked him. He looked straight into my eyes and told me the whole story.

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