Snow Day

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"Did you get the blankets?"  Ashton asks you as you come downstairs with an arm full of stuff.  "No... give me a sec." You say as you put the pillows down on the living room chair.  "Okay, I'll start setting things up."  Ash says before you start walking upstairs to grab some blankets.  When I come back downstairs most of the fort is already set up.  Well, at least the base is complete.  "Here's some blankets, I'll go get some more from the closet."  You say as Ashton comes and takes the blanket from your arms.   "I think we're good on blankets, but we still need some snacks, movies, and games."  He says and starts to build the exterior of the fort.  "Okay, I'll go get the movies.  What kind of games do you want, video or board?"  I ask and turn towards him before going to the closet that holds the movies and games.  "Board." He answers as I grab what I need from the closet.  Setting everything down on the sofa, I head into the kitchen to make the hot chocolate and get the snacks.  When I finish, Ashton comes into the kitchen to come help me carry the snacks into the living room.  "What movie are we watching first?"  I ask as we settle into our spots.  That's when he takes the blanket of the TV.  "First, we are going to watch Rudolph." he says while settling into the spot right beside you and pressing play on the movie.  You both laid there until you fell asleep.  There was nowhere else you'd rather be.


You woke up when you didn't feel Calum next you.  Sitting up, you look around trying to get used to your surroundings.  As you got out of bed, Calum walked in wearing a hoodie, beanie, jeans, and a pair of converse.  "Here." he says and passes you a hoodie, jeans, and a pair of shoes.  "We are going outside."  Calum said as you finished getting dressed.  "Cal, it's snowing outside.  You're kidding right." You say as you follow a very smiley Calum out of the room.  "I have a surprise for you outside." He said before you reach the back door.  "Close your eyes." he said.  You did as you were told, and closed your eyes as Calum guided you outside.  When you both stopped he told you to open your eyes and when you did, you saw a little tent set up with a blankets and pillows inside.  "I made a winter picnic for us.  I have the snacks inside.  I hope you like it." He says and gave you hug.  "It's perfect."  Today was going to be the best day ever.


When you woke up you were tangled in Luke's arms.  You tried to escape his grip, but he pulled you back down.  "Luke, I have to get ready to go to my parent's house today.  My Mom wants me to help her decorate the house for Christmas.  Your welcome to come and help if you want." You say and try again to get out of his grip, but  failed.  "Cuddle." he said and pulled you closer.  "Luke,"  You say and try to escape again.  If he didn't let you go soon, you were going to end up biting him.   "Cuddle." he said once again.  "That's it." you say and start to bite him.  "Ow! Y/N! Stop!" he whines, but you continue to bite him.  "Y/N!" he says and continues to whine.  "Then let go of me!" you yell and continue to bite him.  "Never!" he yells back and stops whining.  "Fine! I give up." you say and just lay there.  "Cuddle?" he asks you and turns your face so you're facing him.  "Cuddle, but first let me call my Mom.  We'll have to decorate tomorrow." I say and reach for my phone.  "I already did that.  She knew you wouldn't be able to come anyways.  The roads are all closed from the snow storm." He says as you both lay in the room, cuddling.  "We'll, then we are going to cuddle." You say as you lay in the room, cuddling the day away.  With not a care in the world.


"Can you get the ornaments from the box in the closet." You ask Michael as you finish putting the light on the Christmas tree.  "Yeah, give me a sec."  he said while coming out of the kitchen with hot chocolate.  "Here ya go my lady." Michael said while handing you a cup of hot chocolate.  "Thank you.  Hey, I finished putting the lights on the tree.  Are you ready to put up the ornaments?  After we just have to put up the outdoor decorations and hang the lights around the house."  I say putting down my cup and heading towards the box of ornaments.  That's when Michael came up behind you and enveloping you in a hug.  "Michael, we need to finish decorating the house." you say and try to escape his grasp, but fail.  He had a very strong hold on you.  He lifts you up and carries you to the couch were you two cuddle.  "Michael, we need to finish decorating the home." you say, but don't move.  You know you have to finish decorating, but you just want to cuddle.  "We will, but I say we take a break."  he says and hands you your cup.  "Thank you, but we have to finish.  Then we can cuddle."  I say and get up form my spot on the couch.  "Fine, but then we are going to cuddle." He says and gets up with you and helps you finish adding the Christmas touch to the house.

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